• Hello everyone,

    There seems to have (or at least I have) a small issue when joining a group with Group Blog & Enable member blog posting option enabled.

    After joining a blog posting-enabled group, User must load the GroupBlog section first and click on a page or a post link to load the blog in order to get blog roles and therefore create a new post.

    Otherwise, he is redirected to a “random” blog, with /wp-admin/?c=1 in the url after clicking on “Dashboard” or “Add New Post” link in the “Blog Menu”.

    Is it a bug or a feature ?

    Using BP GroupBlog 1.2.3 with BuddyPress 1.1.2
    No extra plugins for role management installed.

    Any response would be appreciated.

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  • I have the same issue – I thought it was a bug that users couldn’t post and were redirected to the wrong place but following the directions above users are able to become group blog authors afterall.

    The system works, but the problem is indeed that users have to be added to the blog. At the moment that only happens when users visit a blog post.

    I was hoping that visiting the dashboard would work, but it causes an initial redierct creating some confusing where the heck the user is being redirected to.

    We are looking into this.

    Problem being, we are super busy at the moment, just know this is one of the first things we intend to fix when we get a chance.

    Thanks everyone.

    I have another problem with this puglin.
    When I try to change the role of and user, this don’t change, or worst, it kick me back to suscriber, even if I’m a author by default role.

    Really annoying bug… :S

    Are you changing roles in the blog backend? The way the plugin works is that it overrides the backend blog role section. So changing the role in the blog backend the plugin will just reset the user according to the settings in the groupblog settings page.

    To promote user to have editor or admin control in the blog, simply promote them from members of the group to either editor or admin.

    I’m not sure why it would kick you back to subscriber. Can you share your address we could test this at?

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