• I have been trying to make the gallery template show a buy now button when viewing the lightbox overlay as in this image here https://img145.imageshack.us/img145/2236/capture093.jpg
    The ‘view cart’ button is per your snippet on another thread and works correctly in the store template when used normally.

    I have tried many versions, adding in the buy now %tokens% to the default and gallery template, but It won’t show the buttons. According to your template page, it appears that we should be able to do something like this.

    Reason for this: when listing many items in a page (40+), the single column default template is too long and the gallery is more suitable

    Can you help please?



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  • Plugin Author macguru2000


    If the example below looks completely new, you might want to make sure to empty your browser’s cache and reload the catablog options page, sometimes the new templates aren’t loaded and you are loading an out of date template. That being said, if you are indeed using the latest version of gallery template then it should be a simple as putting the %BUY-NOW-BUTTON% token into the catablog-description div.


    <div class="catablog-row catablog-gallery">
    		<img src="%IMAGE%" class="catablog-image" width="%IMAGE-SIZE%" alt="" />
    		<strong class="catablog-title" style="width:%HOVER-TITLE-SIZE%;">%TITLE-TEXT%</strong>
    	<div class="catablog-description">%DESCRIPTION%<br />%BUY-NOW-BUTTON%</div>

    I hope that works, otherwise there most likely is a glitch or bug.

    Thread Starter houseofstrauss


    Thanks for that code snippet. That was exactly the one I was using, however, I was not aware of the caching rebuild, that’s why the templates was not being rendered with the token straight away.

    It took a few attempts to get this template to load, but now it shows the buy now buttons and view cart exactly as in the image I posted. These buttons all work correctly also.

    Again, thank-you for your help.

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