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  • I’ve also had problems with this issue. I’d love to see custom post type support in the plugin, or any workarounds anyone has found.

    I am also stuck at this point.

    I have used the Types plugin to create a custom post type and custom fields for displaying products with package/weight/shelf life/etc. I have then created categories for each group of products and a corresponding page in which to display these products.

    However when i use the shortcode on the page to display the category, it doesn’t show the posts within that category.

    Here is the shortcode i am using:
    [cgview id=15 name=Grill-lihad size=200x200 quality=100 lightbox=0]

    Any help would be MASSIVELY appreciated as this is the only thing holding my project up! ??

    Plugin Author Anshul


    Let me work over it over the weekends. Still it will be a while, maybe a month for me to release an update. I barely get time to work on plugin development

    Thank you so much Anshul!

    Love the plugin but the same problem with custom post types.

    Has anyone come up with an alternate solution for this?
    Or is there another category thumbnail plugin that supports Custom Post Types?
    This would be great with tags also.

    I’ve tried Custom Post Types in Taxonomy Archives which seems to help CPT with my theme.




    I ended up using Featured Posts Grid (, which does support custom post types, but doesn’t have quite as refined a backend UI.

    This a dealbreaker sadly, great plugin otherwise but have to rescind my earlier vote ??

    I think I got it.

    In file: CatGridData.php, find:

    //Build the query for get_posts()
            $cgquery = array(		'cat' => $this->cgid ,
    								'posts_per_page' => $this->params['num'] ,
                                    'orderby' => $this->params['orderby'] ,
                                    'order' => $this->params['order'] ,
                                    'post__not_in' => explode(',',$this->params['excludeposts']) ,
                                    'tag' => $this->params['tags'] ,
                                    'offset' => $this->params['offset'],
    								'meta_key' => $this->params['customfield'],
    								'meta_value' => $this->params['customfieldvalue'],

    then add the link:
    'post_type' => array('post','custom_post_type')
    right after:
    'meta_value' => $this->params['customfieldvalue'],
    and before

    woops “add the *line*” not “link” ??

    Well sorta works – now I can’t filter it by category though – only able to display the entire lot of my custom post type. ??

    adding that line broke my install…

    Should I be replacing the ‘custom_post_type’ with my post type?
    I tried that, but got a fatal error when reactivating…
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING, expecting ‘)’

    @mess you make my day, thx a lot, this code worked for me.. 'post_type' => array('post','custom_post_type')

    @anshul Thanks for the great plugin. I wanted to sort my category post in an order of custom field. so here is my short code that I’m using.

    [cgview id=40 size=250×150 orderby=”meta_value_num” order=”asc”]

    “meta_value_num” is the custom field I’ve added and I want my result to be sorted by this. But this is not working, it shows me the post with order of title in desc manners.

    Can you please help me to figure out where I am going wrong?

    Thank you,

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