• The plugin cause a 500 error.

    I have no Idea why. please check and let me know

    Everything is up to date

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Author gelform


    Hey, there!

    Are you running PHP 8.1 or newer? I’ve had a few reports of an issue, and each time it’s turned out to be another plugin that isn’t compatible.

    If not, please shoot me an email at sociallinkpages.com/contact so I can get credentials from you to sign in and take a look.



    Thread Starter schmekbu


    hi there

    did some research

    logs showing error coming from plugins/w3-total-cache
    Unsupported operand types: string * int in wp-includes/functions.php:75″

    so what is that?

    php 8

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by schmekbu.
    Plugin Author gelform


    Thank you for digging in! That’s the kind of issue I’ve come across a couple of times before. You’ll need to contact w3-total-cache and let them know about that. :-\


    Thread Starter schmekbu



    please check here:


    seems like its related to your plugin after all

    can you please investigate and solve the problem?

    Thread Starter schmekbu


    Hi Corey,

    as we have to share admin credentials, this will due to security reasonst not work. Tell me what you want to know.

    Thread Starter schmekbu


    hello @gelform

    that’s interesting, everybody else can do debugging, why can’t you?

    if you are not able to tell me what you want to know, we can do TeamViewer please tell me how to connect to you. nevertheless, I prefer you tell me what you need like anybody else doing troubleshooting on this platform

    Plugin Author gelform


    I can’t speak to other developers being able to debug without having access to the site they’re trying to debug.

    Let’s start over. Where do you see the 500 error? If you deactivate the Social Link Pages plugin, the error goes away?

    Are the logs still showing the error coming from plugins/w3-total-cache
    Unsupported operand types: string * int in wp-includes/functions.php:75? If so, what makes you think it’s the Social Link Pages plugin?



    Thread Starter schmekbu


    yes, let’s start over:

    the page vaegabond.com/links is created by social link pages plugin, so obviously if I deactivate the plugin, the error goes away as the page itself won’t exist

    Logs are still showing same thing, as long as I don′t comment out the specific line, describe in this topic

    If I comment out this line, the logs showing:

    PHP Warning:  Undefined variable $date in /var/www/virtual/haengmat/vaegabond.com/wp-content/plugins/w3-total-cache/Generic_Plugin.php on line 490

    all the answers to your questions have been answered before. please make yourself familiar with this case:

    here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/plugin-cause-500-internal-server-error/

    here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/plugin-cause-500-internal-server-error-2/

    and here https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/critical-plugin-cause-500-internal-server-error/

    If you have new questions, I am happy to answer them

    Plugin Author gelform


    Thank you! I’ve once again reviewed this thread and the thread you started with W3 Total Cache.

    I understand the issue is that the page https://h/vaegabond.com/links is no longer loading. However, the php logs indicate the issue is with W3 Total Cache. You say, “seems like its related to your plugin after all” but I don’t see anything in that thread indicating the issue is with Social Link Pages. If commenting out a line in the W3 Total Cache plugin fixes the issue, and their support agent said you could keep it commented out, it sounds to me like that is the best solution.

    You can hide the php warning from your wp-config.php file.


    Thread Starter schmekbu



    I am not saying its related to your plugin, W3Total chache is saying this. Please read carefully. I am just in the middle trying to get you guys working together instead of pointing fingers.

    commenting out a line is not the best solution, its the quickest solution that wont add work to your desk and you can mark this as complete.

    Plugin Author gelform


    Agreed! But I must be missing something. I just re-read the support thread with them. Where does W3 Total Cache say the issue is with Social Link Pages?



    Thread Starter schmekbu


    here you go


    Marko Vasiljevic



    It still seems that the issue is not specifically related to the W3TC but to the other plugin.


    for now I commented out the line, so just in case you want to troubleshoot, let me know and I will set back to normal

    Plugin Author gelform


    Again, their hunch doesn’t give me any information. Seems like we’ve reached an impasse. I would recommend commenting out the line, hiding the php warnings (since it’s a warning, not an error), and calling it good.


    Thread Starter schmekbu


    hey corey,

    so I would recomend you guys work together ask each other questions and solve it.

    I am here if you need to test or need more informations

    for w3total cache this would be @vmarko


    Thread Starter schmekbu


    hey guys, can you please take a look at this?

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