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  • Plugin Contributor Aert Hulsebos


    Hi @lucia22lucia,

    The reason most likely is because you have the integration with reCaptcha enabled under Integrations > Services

    Why we integrate with reCaptcha:

    The different ways to integrate with reCaptcha can be found here:

    Hope this helps!

    Complianz is blocking all our website forms even without reCaptcha. It gives an error to accept cookies, byt the link to accept cookies then does not work. This plugin appears broken with the use of any simple form. Plus, I see no support for the software and this WP forum does not allow any new topics to be created.

    Any response?

    After some work to delete all reCaptcha code including the Google site keys, I finally got standard Form 7 forms to work with the Complianz plugin activated.

    It looks like there is a conflict between the reCapcha, in this case the Form 7 reCaptchs Pro plugin, and the Google site key integration within Form 7 and Complianz. I did not want to take the time to troubleshoot because Google integrations are problematic—it probably hs to do with the Google site keys and their use of cookies and Complianz’s functiomns with cookies. But that is the area of incompatibility.

    Complianz and Form 7 alone work OK.

    Thread Starter lucia22lucia


    I have had to remove the simple form I had set up and install Contact Form 7. I have managed to set this up with Recaptcha, with the info from the links above. So now the user has to have accepted all cookies in order to submit the form. I added a note to this affect at the start of the form and included a tick box for them to agree to the privacy policy.

    I have again had to disable the Complianz software. If a user tried to fill out a form on the website with their browser cookies blocked, the form would not send and show errors even without any reCaptcha. Plus, there are some animated slider elememnts that Complianz is not compatible with and blocks from loading when cookies are blocked on the browser.

    It is rare these days for a user to block all cookies, but it does happen and we had to disable Complianz as incompatible with that issue.

    Plugin Contributor Aert Hulsebos


    Hi @blaircomm,

    Would you be able to share the URL this is happening?

    Animations could be blocked if they are dynamically inserted by JavaScript, if this is the case we need to unset it from the cookie blocker.

    Let me know if you need any help, so we can fix the issues.

    regards Aert

    I will set it up enabled with reCaptcha also on the dev site and send you the login, when I can get the time. I would like to use the Complianz paid version on several client sites if all the compatibility issues can be worked out.

    Let me know where I can send secure login info to you outside a public forum.


    Plugin Contributor Aert Hulsebos


    Hi @blaircomm,


    As per forum rules, exchanging of login details are prohibited in any case. A workaround is necessary. We can do a lot without login, with just an URL to the front-end. Lets start there.

    regards Aert

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Aert Hulsebos. Reason: Changed for forum rules
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Aert Hulsebos.
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