• Resolved kac1per



    I really like this plugin and have been using it on my site for a while. However recently I stumbled across an issue when I tried to implement algolia search integration on the site (using official php library provided by Algolia) – for some reason it conflicts with the plugin.

    Specifically – algolia search integration requires initialization on save_post hook, so it can index post when created or updated. It looks like this:

    add_action('save_post', function ($id, WP_Post $post, $update) {
        global $algolia;
        $index = $algolia->initIndex($indexName);

    The initIndex method for some reason triggers following error, when YARPP is enabled

    "Trying to get property 'post_type' of non-object"
    0: "YARPP_Cache->sql()"
    1: "YARPP_Cache_Tables->update()"
    2: "YARPP_Cache->enforce()"
    3: "YARPP->display_related()"
    4: "YARPP_Admin->ajax_display()"
    5: "do_action('wp_ajax_yarpp_display')"

    I have no idea why this happens or how to get around it. I would appreciate any help.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by kac1per.
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