• Prosenjeet


    Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error.

    Error messages

    Warning: require(/home/nikoran/public_html/mypath/plugins/chat/chat-widget.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/mypath/plugins/mm-chat/chat.php on line 585

    Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/nikoran/public_html/mypath/plugins/chat/chat-widget.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/nikoran/public_html/mypath/plugins/mm-chat/chat.php on line 585


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  • av3c


    Same problem, version 0.3 impossible to activate for a fatal error

    Plugin Author Marcelo Mesquita


    Hi guys,
    the $slug atribute is pointing to old directory (chat), just change the $slug to ‘mm-chat’ on line 36.

    I’ve commit the fix, it should be working on 0.4 version.

    Thanks for the feedback.

    Thread Starter Prosenjeet


    I get this message:

    Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/sitename/public_html/wptemp/wp-content/plugins/mm-chat/chat.php on line 446
    ■ Danny
    Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/sitename/public_html/wptemp/wp-content/plugins/mm-chat/chat.php on line

    However, the logged in user “danny” does show and chat did work but wonder why still this error message show!

    Can you add an option (in the settings) so as to allow non registered members start chat session too?

    Thread Starter Prosenjeet


    Also when I click on the user profile tab in your chat widget I get a 404

    Plugin Author Marcelo Mesquita


    Hi Prosenjeet,
    try to set “define( ‘WP_DEBUG’, false );” on wp-config.php to hide these warnings.

    On future versions I can create a option to non registered members, by is a little hard because I’ll have to change a lot of the code.

    The profile link leads you to WordPress author’s page, so, if you don’t have any post published in your name the error occurs.


    Thread Starter Prosenjeet


    Thanks for a super quick reply…appreciated!!!! ??

    Instead of changing Debug to False cant this be removed in the plugin itself…reason, not all WP users know how to edit files and they simply install WP using Fantastico and use plugins as plug-and-play.

    Regarding the profile link, the site I checked had posts by the Admnin.

    Plugin Author Marcelo Mesquita


    Hi Prosenjeet,
    I am fixing every bugs, don’t worry, but some changes can take a while.

    Can you sand me the link on profile tab?

    Thread Starter Prosenjeet


    Hi, thanks for your reply once again.

    This is a great pugin that you have introduced….great utility.


    One more thing I see, even if the user has moved out of my site, I can still see his name in the contacts list in the chat widget(as live user).


    The profile tab you may check here:
    This is basically my WP lab and only and only for trial of templates/extensions only..dont read the content, it is mostly crap.



    To fix the problem:
    Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/sitename/public_html/wptemp/wp-content/plugins/mm-chat/chat.php on line 446
    open up your chat.php file and on line 446 where you see “in_array()…” change that to “@in_array()”.

    Do that to any warnings you’re getting.

    (Note: This fix is simply a warning suppression.)



    In order to display online/offline status next to usernames, change the code below in chat.php:

    <a href="#talk" contact="<?php print $contact->ID; ?>" title="<?php ( $contact->chat_last_activity > ( time() - ( 2 * $contact_timeout ) ) ) ? printf( __( 'talk with %s', 'chat' ), $contact->display_name ) : printf( __( 'send offline message to %s', 'chat' ), $contact->display_name ); ?>" class="talk"</a>


    <a href="#talk" contact="<?php print $contact->ID; ?>" title="<?php ( $contact->chat_last_activity > ( time() - ( 2 * $contact_timeout ) ) ) ? printf( __( 'talk with %s', 'chat' ), $contact->display_name ) : printf( __( 'send offline message to %s', 'chat' ), $contact->display_name ); ?>" class="talk <?php print ( $contact->chat_last_activity > ( time() - ( 2 * $contact_timeout ) ) ) ? 'online' : 'offline'; ?> <?php if( $odd != $odd ) print 'odd'; ?>"><?php print $contact->display_name; ?></a> <span class="status">(<?php print ( $contact->chat_last_activity > ( time() - ( 2 * $contact_timeout ) ) ) ? 'online' : 'offline'; ?><?php if( $odd != $odd ) print 'odd'; ?>)</span>

    Also, add the styles below to chat.css:

    #chat-contacts a.online:link {
    #chat-contacts a.online:hover {
    #chat-contacts a.online:visited {
    #chat-contacts a.offline:link {
    #chat-contacts a.offline:hover {
    #chat-contacts a.offline:visited {
    .status {
    	font-style: italic;
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