• Resolved Toby


    Hi all,
    I was about to ask a question here, because I was experiencing a problem with the relationship between regular wordpress Categories and my CPT.

    Though as I found a solution I’ll share my findings here.

    I created 1 CPT with several pages within, and 1 Taxonomy, and decided to keep using regular wordpress Categories.

    My nav menu included the list of Categories, but when I clicked on one of the links it took me to an empty page telling me that my search was unsuccessful.

    This didn’t seem right, because I had activated Categories in the settings of my CPT:

    Go to “Edit post type
    Look at bottom of long page for “Built-in Taxonomies
    Select check-box: “Categories”

    However, I was using a plugin called “Add Categories to Pages” (https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/add-category-to-pages/) to get some of my Pages assigned under regular wordpress Categories.
    – I deactivated this plugin, and this enabled my CPT pages to display in Category searches/loops.

    I therefore assume that my problem was just caused by a plugin clash.

    However, this does leave me with one question for a v. small problem.
    I have regular wordpress Pages for ‘contact-me’, ‘about-me’, ‘privacy-policy’ and a custom home page.
    Q: Is it no longer possible to assign these regular Pages under any regular wp Category? … I appreciate that this dilemma has nothing to do with the purpose of this plugin, but as I was posting here I thought I might as well ask.

    If not, I guess I’ll just create another CPT for them. Not a major problem


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  • Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    As far as I can tell and from what I’m understanding, it’s just a case of out-of-box categories on the out-of-box page post type that you’re having some trouble with?

    In all cases, from my experiences, any category-based query is going to include the “post” post type, but not other post types, and you need to modify the query to include “page”, “my-custom-type”, etc as well, so it knows what all to search through.

    Thread Starter Toby


    Yes, the standard (out-of-box) Pages could not be assigned to out-of-box Categories, which I understand to be the norm in WordPress, until I installed a plugin “Add categories to pages” to make this possible.

    However, while this plugin was active, CPTs would not show up in out-of-box Category searches, even though the CPTs had been assigned to various different out-of-box Categories. So, I assumed that the plugin was clashing with the CPT plugin.

    I have now added the following code to my functions.php file, to assign out-of-box Pages to out-of-box Categories:

    function myplugin_settings() {
    // Add tag metabox to page
    register_taxonomy_for_object_type('post_tag', 'page');
    // Add category metabox to page
    register_taxonomy_for_object_type('category', 'page');
     // Add to the admin_init hook of your theme functions.php file
    add_action( 'init', 'myplugin_settings' );

    It seems to work without clashing with the CPT plugin.

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    I would look into the pre_get_posts hook to handle adding other post types to what to query for in searches and archives. If anything, this is a step in the right direction for what to do.

    If it were me in the situation, I’d also be checking the $wp_query/$posts objects on the search and archives to check what MySQL request is being made, to see what post types it’s doing it within.

    Thread Starter Toby


    Thanks Michael,
    Would your suggestion look something like this?
    <?php add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'your_function_name' ); ?>

    And could you give me a suggestion of where could I add it pls?

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    I would check the examples on that codex page for more information of what to do, you’re not going to want to use the example bit you posted as is.

    Anything you do with it would go in either a custom plugin, or your theme’s functions.php file.

    Thread Starter Toby


    Ok, I think I will put something into functions.php
    Thanks again

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