Firstly, thank you again for the response and glad to hear it is on the feature list for next update!
Second – I actually figured out a way to get it to work – albeit a bit dirty.
I opened the file: cleverness-to-do-list-frontend.class.php
and found the section where the todolist shortcode parameters are read, and then the loop called to find all the items. Then I modified the code to look like this
/** @var $category mixed */
if ( $category == 'all' ) $category = '0';
list( $this->url, $this->action ) = CTDL_Lib::set_variables();
/** @var $completed string */
if ( $completed == 'show' ) {
if ( $type == 'table' ) {
$this->list .= '<table id="todo-list-completed" class="todo-table">';
/** @var $completed_title string */
if ( $completed_title != '' ) $this->list .= '<caption>'.$completed_title.'</caption>';
$this->show_table_headings( 1 );
$this->loop_through_todos( 1, $category );
$this->list .= '</table>';
} elseif ( $type == 'list' ) {
/** @var $completed_title string */
if ( $completed_title != '') {
$this->list .= '<h3 class="todo-title">'.esc_html( $completed_title ).'</h3>';
$this->list .= '<'.$list_type.' class="todolist">';
$this->loop_through_todos( 1, $category );
$this->list .= '</'.$list_type.'>';
/** @var $type string */
elseif ( $type == 'table' ) {
$this->list .= '<table id="todo-list" class="todo-table">';
/** @var $title string */
if ( $title != '' ) $this->list .= '<caption>'.$title.'</caption>';
$this->loop_through_todos( 0, $category );
$this->list .= '</table>';
} elseif ( $type == 'list' ) {
/** @var $title string */
if ( $title != '') {
$this->list .= '<h3 class="todo-title">'.esc_html( $title ).'</h3>';
/** @var $list_type string */
$this->list .= '<'.$list_type.' class="todolist">';
$this->loop_through_todos( 0, $category );
$this->list .= '</'.$list_type.'>';
/** @var $completed string */
So if the completed parameter is set to “show” it will only ever show completed items, otherwise, it will show all outstanding items. Like I said, dirty, but it gets the job done for how I’ll be using it until you update.
Not sure how you plan to implement a feature like this, but I know some folks will want to show ALL to-do’s separated by uncomplete and completed as it currently works, and some will only want to show one or just the other – so maybe add one more parameter with a 0,1,2 value to drive if all items shown (0), just uncompleted (1) and just completed (2)?
Thanks again!