Nice mitre cuts! And beautiful kids ??
Loaded up the development version (2.0). Still…problems (for how we’re trying to use this).
When on the individual post, all the subcategories get the parent class. That is rather opposite of what we’re hoping for/used to with WP current-class (a single class applied to the active category to provide a contextual navigation cue).
<ul><li class="collapsing categories item parent"><a title="View all posts filed under identity" href="">identity</a> </li> <!-- ending subcategory -->
<li class="collapsing categories item parent"><a title="View all posts filed under illustration" href="">illustration</a> </li> <!-- ending subcategory -->
<li class="collapsing categories item parent"><a title="View all posts filed under print" href="">print</a> </li> <!-- ending subcategory -->
<li class="collapsing categories item parent"><a title="View all posts filed under web" href="">web</a> </li> <!-- ending subcategory -->
I’m still working out the CSS to get the item vs the parent styled correctly on the category archive view with 2.0…but since that was working with 1.2.2, and single post view seems like it still won’t work with 2.0, that may be moot.
There’s gotta be a hack (PHP filter or maybe some jQuery?) that will get this to work…but it’s gonna take me too long to come up with it given my limited programming background. Maybe a real programmer can knock it out? Again, if you’re interested, have a referral, or could take on this small enhancement, we are interested!
Thanks again for your availability today. I’ll be donating to support your work regardless.