plugin conflict with Leaflet Maps Marker
I am the developer of Leaflet Maps Marker ( and your plugin is causing my settings page to break :-/
This is due to the fact that you enqueue your js scripts on all admin pages instead of only on your pages.
To be more precise: file stb_admin.php
wp_enqueue_style('jquery-ui', '');
is causing my settings page to break.Within my plugin I do this to only load scripts and css on my admin pages:
[...] $page = add_submenu_page('leafletmapsmarker_markers', 'Maps Marker - ' . __('Tools', 'lmm'), '<hr noshade size="1"/>' . '<img src="' . LEAFLET_PLUGIN_URL . 'inc/img/icon-menu-tools.png"> ' . __('Tools', 'lmm'), 'activate_plugins','leafletmapsmarker_tools', array(&$this, 'lmm_tools') ); [...] add_action('admin_print_styles-'.$page, array(&$this, 'lmm_admin_enqueue_stylesheets'));
If would be great if you could also add this to your plugin. In the meantime I will show a warning to my plugin users that your plugin is breaking my settings page within my built-in compatibility check.
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