Do you have a sample page with the issues you describe? It sounds as though you copied the shortcode from the help page and pasted it into the the rich text editor. If you did this there is a warning right on the help page about how the shortcode will get wrapped in code and
pre tags. You need to remove these tags for proper display. Keep in mind this is absolutely no different if you would copy text from any web page, it will paste the formatting.
The bio can be shown by changing the template like so:
[connections_list template_name=’card-bio’]
The creation of a custom template is actually no more difficult than creating themes for WordPress, easier actually because the templates are far less complex. The templates themselves are receiving a major overall for the next release which include the ability to be managed by the template manager in the admin; loading of custom JavaScript; loading of custom CSS; the loading of custom php function and many filter hooks. Check out for more.