• I installed the plugin, configured it with the proper codes as generated by the plugin itself. And created a post according to the guidelines.

    Contact form’s input field are not appearing on the blog, however all the text that I see in the configuration page are coming fine…

    please help

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  • kishu27, what code exactly did you insert into the post? Can I have the URL?

    I’m having the same problem.

    url is: https://www.type1parent.com/contact

    I inserted the following code onto the page:
    [contact-form 1 "Contact form 1"]


    Miguelthai, it’s CSS matter. Borders are not displayed. Use this:

    div.wpcf7 input {border: 1px solid black;}

    takayukister, thanks for the quick response.

    Where should I place that css code? ??

    In my template css form or in the plugin itself?

    Thanks. I’m pretty new at this.

    Either one is ok, but the one in your theme is better.

    Almost there. Everything but the “message” area is now outlined.

    Thanks for your patience.

    “Message” is usually a textarea. You’ll need to set that in the stylesheet as well.

    div.wpcf7 textarea {border: 1px solid black;}





    Hello, sorry to bring up this old post again but I’m so new at this I can’t get the borders to show up and I’ve tried to follow the instructions here but still can’t get it to show correctly.
    I don’t actually know where to place the code. Could I get specific instructions on where to place it?

    thanks, Gary



    Where exact in the stylesheet do i place this code div.wpcf7 input {border: 1px solid black;}






    I am with garyct and junkie06 on this issue. Could someone provide a sample code for a single box, and where exatly to input this code?




    In your style.css file in your current theme’s folder you just copy/paste

    div.wpcf7 input {border: 1px solid black;} 
    div.wpcf7 textarea {border: 1px solid black;}

    You should probably paste at the bottom of the sheet, the codes worked for me.



    zirka – Do I need to input the the code you provided under each catagory on the form? When you said, “You should probably paste at the bottom of the sheet” did you mean at the end of the /* Main */ section or at the very bottom of the sheet?

    Do I need to input the following into the theme’s style.css?
    <p>Your Name (required)
    [text* your-name] </p>

    <p>Your Email (required)
    [email* your-email] </p>

    [text your-subject] </p>

    <p>Your Message
    [textarea your-message] </p>

    <p>[submit “Send”]</p>

    I have tried adding the 2 lines at the end of the plugin and theme style sheets with no success. I pretty sure that it is a ID10T error as I am new to CSS.



    The only code you have to paste anywhere are the 2 lines of code I just posted, and I meant at the bottom of the entire style.css sheet, and the style.css file you need to edit is the one that your current theme is using. I didn’t touch the plugin’s code.

    You might need to change permissions, try changing permissions of the plugin folder to 777 and maybe even your sytle.css file to 777, see if then the box outlines appear. You are probably using an FTP client so just right click on the folder and change permissions.

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