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  • Ya. I am too facing the same problem. Can anyone tell me where the DB Table is located in Contact Form 7 Plugin. I was not able to find it.

    I edited the functions.php file in the theme directory and I created a new function and added the hook:

    function save_to_db($cf7) {
      //declare your varialbes, for example:
      $first_name = $cf7->posted_data["first-name"];
      //connect to the db and post the data
      mysql_connect(...) or die(...);
      mysql_select_db(...) or die(...);
      mysql_query("INSERT INTO MyTable (first_name
      ) VALUES('$first_name')") or die(...);

    Doesn’t work for me, Can you help ?

    Here’s what I did. create ‘mytable’ varchar
    Added the following in …\themes\xxx\funtions.php


    function save_to_db($cf7) {
    //declare your varialbes, for example:
    $first_name = $cf7->posted_data[“your-name”];

    //connect to the db and post the data
    mysql_connect(‘localhost’) or die(‘localhost’);
    mysql_select_db(‘wordpress’) or die(‘wordpress’);
    mysql_query(“INSERT INTO mytable (name) VALUES(‘$first_name’)”) or die(‘mytable’);

    What am I doing wrong ?

    Please ignore my previous post.
    Does not seem to work with contact form 8.
    Back to contact form 7.

    There’s an addon for Contact Form 7 that adds data to DB: I haven’t tried it but its at

    For a fully featured premium plugin you cant go past Gravity Forms. It’s $40 for a single use license but well worth the investment.

    Just as an FYI, I am using the Contact Form 7 to Database Extension works like a charm

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