[Plugin: Contact Form 7 to Database Extension] Problems with Umlaut-Characters (?, ?, ü, é , à
Since upgrading to the new (and performancewise great!!) version of the plugin, I have the problem, that umlaut-characters (?, ?, ü etc.) are no longer shown correctly.
See an example on https://www.akw-nein.ch/2011/03/die-unterzeichnenden/
I am using the new cfdb-html tag:[cfdb-html form=”Kontaktformular_02″ show=”your-firstname,your-name,your-ort” filter=”menu-anonym=Name anzeigen ok” orderby=”Submitted desc”] ${your-firstname} ${your-name}, ${your-ort}; [/cfdb-html]
best regards
balthasar gl?ttli
My configuration:
I am using WordPress 3.1 de_DE
PHP/5.2.12 with Suhosin-Patch
MySQL-Client-Version: 5.1.42
PHP Erweiterung: mysqliMySQL Server Version: 5.1.51-log
Protokoll-Version: 10
MySQL-Character Setting: UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/contact-form-7-to-database-extension/
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