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  • Hello there! Wow, took me some time to find out, but found a way to get through it, with some functions.

    I use an intermediate sheet, and call my data like this:

    If it is a column F with numbers:
    =arrayformula(value(QUERY('Detailed Reports'!F2:F; "select *")))

    If it is a column D with dates (DD/MM/YYYY):
    =arrayformula(IFERROR(DATEVALUE('Detailed Reports'!D2:D)))

    That’s about it ??

    Hi there,

    Neat plugin, thanks! Once i get it working i’m hopeful it will help me out!

    When I try the above script solution, it fails. I just generated the script today and have the latest of everything.

    I created a new spreadsheet, added the functions. Pasted the code in with my creds.

    the error is:

    error: Request failed for returned code 404. Server response: <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>Page Not Found</TITLE></HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" LINK="maroon" VLINK="maroon" ALINK="maroon"> <CENTER> <TABLE WIDTH="85%" BORDER="1" BORDERCOLOR="#000000" CELLSPACING="0" CELLPADDING="3"> <TR> <TD BGCOLOR="#e5dccd"> <TABLE BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0" WIDTH="100%"> <TR> <TD WIDTH="40%"><IMG SRC="" BORDER="1" BORDERCOLOR="#000000"></TD> <TD ALIGN="CENTER"><H2 STYLE="font-family: arial, sans-serif">Page Not Found</H2></TD> </TR> </TABLE>

    Any ideas? The file is there so I’m not sure what the problem is.


    Found the problem.

    Original line produced by your php:
    var url = siteUrl + "/wp-login.php?redirect_to=/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7-to-database-extension/export.php%3Fform%3D" + encformName;

    Needs to be:
    var url = siteUrl + "/wp-login.php?redirect_to=/subdir/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7-to-database-extension/export.php%3Fform%3D" + encformName;

    its missing the sub directory of the site.

    Works great now!

    Ha, ok last problem I hope!!


    the field doesn’t update. Simply opening the file doesn’t fetch new data. I had to copy and paste the function call again to retrieve new data.

    Any ideas how to get the spreadsheet to update by simply re-running the function?

    Plugin Author Michael Simpson


    I notice that sometimes when I open mine it updates, sometimes not. I did some research on the web to see if there is a way to force recalculation on google SS. This can be done in Excel by hitting CTRL+ALT+F9 but there is no equivalent in Google SS and no available function to do it either.

    It appears to me that if I edit the formula cell and just add a space at the end then it appears to recalc. Does that work for you?

    The alternative, according to what I have read, is instead of putting a formula in a cell, create a script function to set the data in the spreadsheet in the right cells, and set up a menu option or timer to run that script, which would presumably update the data each time it is run.

    Plugin Author Michael Simpson


    Regarding the subdir issue:

    var url = siteUrl + "/wp-login.php?redirect_to=/subdir/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7-to-database-extension/export.php%3Fform%3D" + encformName;

    Does it work if it were coded:

    var url = siteUrl + "/wp-login.php?redirect_to=" + siteUrl + "/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7-to-database-extension/export.php%3Fform%3D" + encformName;

    If so, that is an easy fix for me to make.

    Hi thanks for great plugin!

    I have followed instruction for Setting up a Google Spreadsheet to pull in data from WordPress.

    I get this error message? “request took t long to complete and was canceled”

    Any suggestions thanks in advance

    Plugin Author Michael Simpson


    That is probably the browser connection timing out before the server replies that the Google Doc upload is done. Try again and see if it completes in time. Also, log into Google Docs and see if the file actually got uploaded.

    I will put something in the next release to tell the browser to have a longer timeout but the browser may ignore it.

    Hi Thanks for the reply
    I have made a spreadsheet in google docs and added the code to cellA2 but the error message “request took t long to complete and was canceled” continues.

    I am unsure what you mean by check google docs. As the spreadsheet is there I made it? its that the spreadsheet is not pulling the database info from wordpress. Woud make this very very effective plugin to be in google as I am not using excel always.

    Thanks for you time and patience

    Plugin Author Michael Simpson


    I was confused. Disregard my last message. I thought you were referring to the Google SS (uploading a SS to Google) but you mean Google Live Data.

    I pushed release 1.4.4 today, upgrade and see if that works any better. There doesn’t look like a lot I can do if the issue is the Google Docs script UrlFetchApp.fetch() call to get the web page is timing out. There is no way to set its timeout.



    Hi There,
    I am currently using the following formula in Google docs spreadsheets to pull data from google on a list of keywords. I ran into a problem, that being it did not work in regular Excel.

    Here is the formula:

    Can you come up with a solution to make it work in regular excel..?

    Plugin Author Michael Simpson


    Sounds like you are saying you have a formula in Google Spreadsheet and you want the same formula in Excel. But I don’t understand what this has to do with my plugin….are you on the right forum?

    Hello Michael,
    thank you for the work you put in this plugin.
    Today I tried to do the live export to google using your how-to. However, Google tells me “#ERROR!” and “Fehler beim Exportieren”, which translates like “error during export”. I checked and interchanged multiple times username and passwort, added one empty space at the end of the line, experimented with the “optional search” tag in the middle, but to no avail.
    Can you help me?

    Let me add that the export as Excel Internet Query doesn’t work for me as well. I allowed Excel to connect als requested, but yet it tells me, that it cannot establish the connection to the URL with the export function in it.

    Plugin Author Michael Simpson


    I think both errors are related (Google Live Data and Excel Internet Query). In both cases the spreadsheet (Google or Excel) is trying to automatically login to your site and hit an export URL.

    Some things you might check:

    1. You are logging in with a user/password same as you can use to see the data in the admin panel. If you created a different user login to do this export, go to Database Options and be sure that you have given users of that level (Subscriber, Author…) access to view the data. Try logging in to Admin as that user and see if you can see the form data in the Database page.

    2. Does your WordPress installation start at the root of your website? For example, you get to it using a URL like “; and not “;

    These are valid points, absolutely. However, the first I anticipated and only worked with admin roles beforehand.

    Regarding the second, in my case, the domain points directly to the wordpress installation (as far as one can see “from the outside”). In fact, it lies in a sub-subfolder. This was done by my hoster while installing the prepared WordPress. I tried to use the longer version in the spreadsheet, but without success (and the longer URLs get me 404s in Firefox). But if I try to take the prepared path with firefox (https://my-domain.tld/wp-login.php?redirect_to=/wp-content/plugins/contact-form-7-to-database-extension/export.php%3Fform%3D), I get right to the correct page (login prompt with download behind it). Isn’t that crazy?

    If you have any other suggestions, I will happily try it again!

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