• Hello.

    We have had this plug and working well for over a year. About a week ago, these errors began showing on all of the sites where we use this plugin. The only way for me to get rid of them is to delete the plug in and re-install it. But it keeps coming back in a couple of days-time. Any idea what could be causing it and how to prevent them from re-ocurring? Thanks in advance.

    WordPress database error: [Duplicate column name ‘field_order’]
    ALTER TABLE [NAME]_cf7dbplugin_submits ADD COLUMN field_order INTEGER

    WordPress database error: [Duplicate column name ‘file’]
    ALTER TABLE [NAME]_cf7dbplugin_submits ADD COLUMN file LONGBLOB

    WordPress database error: [Duplicate key name ‘submit_time_idx’]
    ALTER TABLE [NAME]_cf7dbplugin_submits ADD INDEX submit_time_idx ( submit_time )

    WordPress database error: [Duplicate key name ‘form_name_idx’]
    ALTER TABLE [NAME]_cf7dbplugin_submits ADD INDEX form_name_idx ( form_name )


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  • Plugin Author Michael Simpson


    These “ALTER TABLE” statements are run when the plugin detects that it is a newer version and needs to upgrade things in the DB. Its stores its current version in the DB and when it activates it checks the version in its current code against what is in the DB and takes upgrade actions if they are different.

    I think that when your plugin activates, it fails to complete an upgrade action, then fails to update the DB with the more recent version. So the upgrade action tries to repeat until it doesn’t get an error.

    I wonder if this value got deleted from your DB and the plugin is trying to perform all the upgrade actions over the history of the plugin development…

    So I’m going to suggest this: You can manually set the version in the DB to make it match the current code version and avoid it trying to take what are likely superfluous upgrade actions.

    In your WP Admin area, go to edit the plugin’s files.
    – Find the file CF7DBPlugin.php
    – In it find the line 48:
    //'_version' => array('Installed Version'), // For testing upgrades
    – And simply delete the leading “//” so it looks like:
    '_version' => array('Installed Version'), // For testing upgrades
    – Save
    – Go to the plugin’s Database Option page.
    – You should now see near the top a line for “Installed Version”. Presumably the value should be “2.4.1”. If not, set it to that or to whatever version you have installed.
    – Save

    Suddenly had the same problem after upgrading from v2.4.6 > 2.4.7.
    This worked for me. Thanks Michael.

    Thanks a lot. It worked for me to, but I had to deactivate the DB plugin first and then activate it again.

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