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  • In case it helps here are the error details from IE:

    User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; CMDTDF)
    Timestamp: Fri, 15 Jun 2012 15:41:24 UTC

    Message: Object doesn’t support this property or method
    Line: 59
    Char: 2
    Code: 0

    Hi Sarah,

    It seems to be loading the right scripts but I also see an error on your site in Chrome and Safari.

    It might be clashing with another plugin, are you able to disable some in order to check? There are 2 other plugins also returning errors- Google+1 and Colourbox.


    Hi Sarah, just a thought but it sounds like the jQuery isn’t working, this is probably caused by another script on your page throwing an error of some kind, which stops other scripts from working. Hope that helps.

    Hi Richard,

    Thanks for your suggestions – I have disabled as many plugins as I can to no avail, but I might ask our web agency to have a look. If I can’t do all of it at least I have done some so I’ll be paying less I hope ??

    Thanks anyway!


    Hi Sarah,

    There are a couple of people reporting the same kind of issue, so if it would help, get in touch via and I can take a look at your theme. No promises but I may be able to work it out in 5 mins which would save you some money and help me get to the bottom of the issue for everyone else.


    Hi Richard,

    Wonderful, thank you so much! Have sent you a message.


    Looks like I managed to fix it for Sarah, though there is some testing still to do.

    For the benefit of anybody with a similar issue – check to see your theme is implementing wp_head() correctly, and that scripts are not being hardcoded- this could be in either functions.php or header.php.

    wp_head() should be called just before the opening <body> tag, if not you’re bypassing a specific WordPress design feature.

    Hope that helps!

    Thank you so much! You’ve saved Womankind Worldwide £500 ??

    Just to put that in context: £500 will pay for a woman who has experienced domestic abuse or sexual violence to stay in the only safe house in Ethiopia for two months, receiving medical attention, counselling and training so she can regain control of her life.

    *three cheers!*

    Wow, that certainly puts things in context, thank for sharing that. Very glad I could help, Sarah ??

    Hi, I am having trouble with this, as when I click on the privacy button – nothing is happening. I’ve tried to follow what others have said/done, but I’m not getting anywhere and don’t have enough knowledge on it all!

    My site is, so if you could advise on what I need to do, I would appreciate it!

    Thanks – Terry

    Hi Terry,

    You have a lot of JavaScripts running on the page and one of those is throwing an error which may be interfering with the cookie law info script. Also there is a chance your theme header has a coding error and is calling the scripts in the wrong order. You could try disabling some plugins to see if that fixes it.

    If you use a web developer / agency to maintain your site ask them to look at the positioning of wp_head() in header.php and wp_footer() in footer.php.

    Hope that helps.

    I’m having similar problems getting it to show too. I’ve tried header, footer, disabling color picker.

    In Chrome, the JS Console is throwing an error “Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected Identifier” in the Cookie Law jQuery(document).ready(function() when assigning var a.

    The theme is a professionally designed one from Elegant Themes.

    There are two initial sites I’m trying to set this up on, both throwing the same error:

    If the JavaScript isn’t working then there could be a clash of scripts, perhaps the firing of your wp_head scripts is in the wrong place (usually fired in header.php), or there is another similar conflict?

    I can’t get this to work on my site, I have used the troubleshooter and everything appears to be in order but the bar just simply doesn’t appear.

    My site can be found here:

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.



    Hi, I did check your site shortly after you posted this but saw you had already switched to another plugin- looks like that plugin is working out well for you so glad you got something working for you in the end. Your site is very JavaScript heavy so I’d not be surprised if there was a clash in the scripts of some sort. The console throws a few errors so I think it’s worth checking out anyway. Hope that helps. All the best.

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