• Resolved David Artiss


    I’ve been having some problems today where the plugin wasn’t return a country code no matter what. At first I thought it was the IP from work but when I tried at home I was getting the same response.

    The cache data was showing the correct IP but no country code. I commented out the part of the code that attempts to retrieve it from cache and that fixed it – it would appear that the wrong country code was being held in cache.

    I’ve therefore looked at the transient cache in my wp-options table and can see that of the 1192 caches that the plugin has made only 230 have country codes – the remaining are blank. This suggests to me that there’s a problem with either the code look-up or the cache storage. The country codes are from lots of different countries, nothing specific.

    I’m also concerned that the stats show that not a single user has so far opted in or out.

    If it helps at all I’ve attached the debug information to the bottom of this post – it was generated whilst it was still failing. Meantime I’m going to disable the plugin until you can get to the bottom of the problems.

    I see the cache is retained for 24 hours – is there also a possibility of making this changeable in the options screen?


    <!– Cookillian Debug Information:
    array (
    ‘Will handle the cookies’ => true,
    ‘Is the visitor logged in’ => false,
    ‘Is Admin (not AJAX)’ => false,
    ‘Country list OK’ => true,
    ‘Detected remote IP address of the visitor’ => ‘’,
    ‘2-letter code of detected country’ => ”,
    ‘Name of detected country’ => ‘Unknown’,
    ‘Block cookies for this country’ => false,
    ‘Visitor has opted-in’ => false,
    ‘Visitor has opted-out’ => false,

    Generated On: Mon, 21 May 2012 19:04:14 GMT
    Cookillian Version: 1.0.10
    PHP Version: 5.3.8
    Memory Usage: 25.51 MB Peak, 25.44 MB Current, 256 MB Max permitted by PHP
    Available PHP Extensions: Core, date, ereg, libxml, openssl, pcre, sqlite3, zlib, bcmath, calendar, ctype, curl, dom, hash, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, SPL, iconv, session, intl, json, mbstring, mcrypt, mysql, mysqli, standard, Phar, posix, pspell, Reflection, imap, SimpleXML, soap, sockets, exif, tidy, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, cgi-fcgi, OAuth, timezonedb, imagick, PDO, pdo_sqlite, SQLite, pdo_mysql, ionCube Loader, Zend Guard Loader
    Pf4wp Version: 1.0.10
    Pf4wp APC Enabled: No
    WordPress Version: 3.3.2
    WordPress Debug Mode: Yes
    Active WordPress Theme: WP-Clear Child
    Active WordPress Plugins: ‘Cookillian’ by Mike Green (Myatu)
    Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/536.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/19.0.1084.46 Safari/536.5
    Server: Apache
    Server OS: Linux callisto.servers.eqx.misp.co.uk #10 SMP Tue Dec 27 12:08:57 GMT 2011 x86_64
    Database Version: 5.1.62-cll
    Template Engine Version: Twig 1.7.0


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  • Thread Starter David Artiss


    My site does have cache control set within the .htaccess….

    Header unset Cache-Control:
    Header append Cache-Control: “max-age=1800, must-revalidate”

    I’m guessing this is the cause. However, I’m obviously loath to remove this as it’s adding required caching to my site.

    Are you going to be okay to work around this?


    Anonymous User 4048828


    I’ve just updated the development version (give WordPress a few minutes to catch up with the ZIP file). Hopefully this will provide a work-around to the problem you are experiencing.

    Thread Starter David Artiss


    WordPress doesn’t appear to have updated – it’s still showing

    Anonymous User 4048828


    The development version is 1.0.17-dev21 (stable is still at 1.0.17) – I just checked the development download, and it is the latest development version now.

    Thread Starter David Artiss


    Didn’t work I’m afraid.

    I cleared all my cookies beforehand and visited the site. It came up with the prompt, I clicked on to accept and the URL appeared as…


    Unfortunately, the prompt then re-appeared.


    Thread Starter David Artiss


    Hold on… i’ve got it working. I think it may be a caching problem. I tried it in a browser in which I’d cleared down all cache and cookies and it worked. I’ll give it a thorough test tomorrow and let you know the outcome.


    Thread Starter David Artiss


    Sorry, had to pull the plug. Implemented it on my live site and, at first, it appeared fine. The prompt appeared after I’d cleared my cache and I clicked ok and it went.

    However, I found that after closing the browsing and going back the prompt re-appeared.

    I tried it out on a clean Firefox install. I cleared all cookies, cache, etc and visited my site. The prompt appeared and I clicked Ok. The prompt went. I was then able to peruse my site without it appearing. Closed the browser down and restarted and the prompt appeared again.

    I thought maybe my cache plugin (WP Super Cache) maybe at fault so I switched it off – that made it worse. Even after clearing cookies and cache the prompt appeared everytime.

    I’ve had to deactive it now as it was on my live site. However, your debug output showed…

    <!– Cookillian Debug Information:
    array (
    ‘Will handle the cookies’ => true,
    ‘Is the visitor logged in’ => false,
    ‘Is Admin (not AJAX)’ => false,
    ‘Country list OK’ => true,
    ‘Detected remote IP address of the visitor’ => ‘’,
    ‘2-letter code of detected country’ => ‘GB’,
    ‘Name of detected country’ => ‘United Kingdom’,
    ‘Block cookies for this country’ => true,
    ‘Visitor has opted-in’ => false,
    ‘Visitor has opted-out’ => false,


    Anonymous User 4048828


    Sorry to hear that, though I wasn’t aware you were using WP Super Cache – that would certainly not work well with the current version of Cookillian, as it would cache the alert itself too (so anyone would see it).

    I’ll be adding a more robust method of working around caches like W3TC and WP Super Cache for the the next version.

    Thread Starter David Artiss


    Damn. Any idea on when the next version is likely to be launched?


    Thread Starter David Artiss


    Happy to say, it’s all fixed! Many thanks.



    Any progress on making it compatible with WP Super Cache?

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