• Hi Marcus,

    Firstly thank you for contributing to wordpress.

    I’m looking at your plugin as someone wants a user list generated by my plugin to link to the users “treasures”. I noticed a few things and thought I’d pass them on to you for when/if you next make an update.

    The “plugin” by “author” links are only allowed as an opt-in – default must be off, See
    https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/about/guidelines/ point 10

    Also I suspect that the amazon partner code links, while you have disclosed it, may not be totally within the guidelines. I think another plugin got into trouble with this. Ideally you should allow them to put their own partner code in, not only have yours. Maybe it is okay since they can choose not to have the amazon link?

    Use of clean_url is deprecated since vers 3.0 – use esc_url instead.

    on help page: notice:
    Undefined variable: i in C:\wamp\www\wp\wp-content\plugins\mytreasures\mytreasureshelp.php on line 40

    (I always develop with full debug on – the noicess help to catch bugs)

    The custom folders – if you nest them under the uploads folder then your plugin could create them itself at activation time and not require users to manually create them.

    Also re option to flush rewriting urls on every page call is maybe not a good idea. No plugin should do it. It adds a load onto the system . See https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Function_Reference/flush_rewrite_rules

    Did you consider using wordpress custom post types instead of custom tables? would have made a lot of functions / permalinks / templates available automatically.. wordpress would do much of the work for you and would allow easier customisation by others. Very powerful once you figure out how best to use them and results in cleaner admin, more wp look.

    Good luck!


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