• Resolved knarrff


    I think it is fair to write a short usage report after I took advantage of this nice importer, so here it is.

    I wanted to move a blog from a web-based blog service (myblog.de) to wordpress. myblog doesn’t support any exporting, so I had to grab every single page and parse the html to get the info. That’s not nice, but it also wasn’t particularly difficult.

    This now left me with a lot of ‘raw’ data which I wanted to import into wordpress, so I was looking for an importer which uses a simple enough data format which I could create with my raw data. CSV is certainly simple, so I gave it a try.

    I first played a bit with some test csv files before generating a lot of csv files for the real data (I couldn’t import all in one go because of server limitations). Almost everything went smoothly and I could figure the rest out. Very nice. This way I got all posts imported into wordpress.

    Now came a part which was a bit more delicate. The csv importer didn’t support comments. But I did have quite a few of them and wanted to transfer them as well. I dug into the wordpress documentation and the source of the importer and to my surprise adding some support for importing comments was not particularly difficult. Granted – it could be made nicer and more complete, but it did the job I needed it to do beautifully. I have sent the patch to the author of the importer, maybe it makes it into a release in some form.

    Let me as conclusion just mention some numbers: over 800 posts with over 200 comments successfully imported. Thanks a lot!


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