I am having the same issue. The thing is that this plugin has been programmed using the date() function from php that does not support localization; researching a bit I found that strftime() is used instead to provide the date output formatted according to your language locale settings (you must set locale from php in order for that to work).
So, if the developer who made this plugin is reading maybe this is useful for him too to add a new feature to his code, I think it would be great to have it localized.
I have made the changes myself because I needed to show dates in spanish language. I am leaving the changes I made here in case someone wants to use it.
Open the file current-date-time-widget.php and look and replace the following lines:
In function render()
add and replace what needed like this:
setlocale(LC_TIME, getenv(LC_TIME));
setlocale(LC_TIME, ‘es_AR.UTF-8’);
if ( ” == $format )
/*$format = ‘l, F j, g:i a’;*/
$format = ‘%A, %B %e, %H:%M %P’;
if ( ” != $timezone )
date_default_timezone_set( $timezone );
/*$currentDate = date( $format );*/
$currentDate = strftime ( $format );
Basically, in my case it didnt work to take the LC_TIME from system (don’t know why but I guess it has sth to do with the php setup), so I hardcoded it and commented out that line, so change to your needs.
Below I change the use of date() to strftime() that supports localization but that implies that you have to also change the format string as they don’t use the same, so something similar to the standard that was set up is like I set, or look at the php strftime() manual page for reference and change to your needs.
Hope it helps,
have a great week