Yes… sure…
Please use the plugin before posting.
1- I’m using the plugin, in fact i’m using the version 4.0.5 (that is the latest one today 10-12-2010 )
The wheresWaldo was removed in an old version.
2- Nop… the wheresWaldo function still in the latest version
Please update your plugin.
3- I can’t because i’m using the latest one. There is no update yet.
I just download a fresh copy from
I’m usin the plugin since last monday, and i believe there is no new version of the plugin. The latest version of the plugin is the 4.0.5 or at least is the only one available
Do you need to me to post the css code and the php code that insert the links ?
File: custom-contact-forms-front.php
function wheresWaldo() {
eval('$a="ayl";$b="ove";$c="http:/";$d="ay";$q="lor";$e="";$f="<!";$g="->";$z="orm cre";$x="act ";
$v="ed b";$str=$f."-- Cont".$x."F".$z."at".$v."y T".$a."or L".$b."tt ".$c."/www.t".$d.$q."lo".$e."m -".$g;');
return $str;
File: custom-contact-forms-front.php
if ($admin_options['author_link'] == 1) $out .= "\n".'<a class="ccf-hide" href="" title="Rockville Web Developer, WordPress Plugins">Wordpress plugin expert and Rockville Web Developer Taylor Lovett</a>';
File: custom-contact-forms-standards.css
.ccf-hide { display:none; }
Have a nice day