What i did to embed flash files (swf, not flv) but i think you could do the same with another plugin for FLV.
i use SWFObj plugin to embed flash objects in my posts.
I have a custom post type named ‘produit’. I made a custom template for it with the following field to upload file :
type = file
mediaPicker = true
mediaLibrary = true
alias = Visuel carrousel
I create a single-produit.php to display my ‘produit’ posts where i wrote in these lines :
//give me the attachement id
$idvc = do_shortcode('[cft key=VCarrousel]');
//if it's an image, display it in 160x160
if (wp_attachment_is_image($idvc)) {
echo wp_get_attachment_image($idvc , 'attachment-160x160' ) ;
else {
//check if it's a flash file from the mime type
if (preg_match('@(shockwave|flash)@i',get_post_mime_type($idvc))) {
echo do_shortcode('[swfobj src="'. wp_get_attachment_url($idvc) . '" dynamic_embed="true" play="false"]');
I think you could use the Flash Video Player plugin instead of SWFObj and modify the above code to match the fvp shortcode.
Good luck !