• Resolved ulken


    Good afternoon.

    Been enjoying the simplicity and robustness of this plugin (great to bundle taxonomy and types together). Coupled with a sound custom fields plugin, a lot can be achieved.

    I do however have some concerns:

    1. First of all, the lack of support for toggling the with_front property is crucial to me. Both the CPTs and CTs are more or less useless in my case (since I do use a hardcoded base in my permastructure for the blog page)
    2. Therefore, I’ve been setting out to fork this plugin to enable such functionality (inspired by some previous work for older versions), since the author have chosen not to accept the patch, if I’m not mistaking?
    3. What bothers me is the following quote from the author of the Custom Content Type Manager (CCTM) plugin regarding CPTUI:
    4. The Custom-Post Type UI plugin offers some of the same features, but I felt that its architecture was flawed: it stores data as taxonomical terms, which is conceptually awkward at a development level, and more importantly, it limits each custom field to 200 characters of data, making it impossible to store certain types of custom content (e.g. long text fields).


    My question is simply: Are these claims correct/still valid (the last one especially)?

    Thank you for any insight,



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  • Plugin Author Brad Williams


    Did you submit a patch to include the with_front parameter? If you did I never saw it. I’m always open to ideas/suggestions and patches are always welcome.

    Regarding #3, that comment must be talking about a different plugin. CPTUI stores all registered CPTs and Taxonomies in a single options array in wp_options. There is also no custom field support in the plugin at all. I think they are confusing CPTUI with a different plugin.

    Thread Starter ulken


    Thank you very much for your reply and for clarifying, Brad!

    I’ve not tackled the patch yet, since I wanted to straighten out these concerns before undertaking the task. The patch I referred too is not mine, but a guy named Stephen Nomura, who submitted it a year ago (v 0.7 at the time, I believe). You did in fact encourage him to do so, which is why I found it a shame it was never included. It also dealt with assigning menu icons to CPTs.

    1. The support thread: Added Support for Admin Icons and Rewrite Front
    2. His blog post on the subject: Enhanced Version of Custom Post Type UI Plugin
    3. The patch found in the support thread: Patch

    You might be right about the mixup, but he is in fact referring to this plugin. Have you changed the architecture in any way? Just to be certain: No such limitations exist, do they?

    I emailed him about it, asking him to explain what he meant, and here’s what he replied:

    The problem with CPTUI is its architecture: it treats all custom post data as taxonomies, which is incorrect: they’re not the same thing. The database will not store large amounts of data for any taxonomy term because it’s mapped to a VARCHAR(255) column.

    I’m not technically skilled enough to judge whether he’s right or not. Any chance you’d be able to deem him right or wrong?

    Thanks again for a great plugin! I’ll get going on the patch right away!

    Plugin Author Brad Williams


    I’ll check out the patch and try to include in the next version.

    He’s wrong about how the data is stored. The registration code is stored in wp_options. Everything else, like CPT entries, are all core WordPress features and stored in wp_posts. The taxonomy terms are stored in the default WP tables for taxonomies.

    Thread Starter ulken



    I know I’m being impatient and greedy now, but when is it due? ?? Might not be necessary for me to fork it if scheduled in the near future.

    Thank you for your support!

    Plugin Author Brad Williams


    Before the end of the month

    Thread Starter ulken



    Well, unfortunately I couldn’t afford to wait for the update, so I decided to take on the task myself, and have now created an updated version. I used Stephen Nomuras patch to version 0.7 as a base, but I have reworked it here and there. It is now more consistent to existing code, I have included the functionality in some places where he had missed it, I have reordered the UI a little, plus I’ve enhanced it even more. I have integrated an Upload button (using the Media Uploader) for example.

    I did make some changes to the code as a whole as well. I changed the code for conditional inclusion of plugin JS/CSS and also the indentation of the code (automatically). Therefore, the patch file is rather long, but feel free to integrate whatever you like. I created a Trac ticket and submitted the patch file along with my working copy of the plugin file: Ticket

    I couldn’t find CPTUI in the “Component”-drop-down, why it’s listed under “not-listed”.

    Let me know if there’s anything more you’d like from me.

    Hope it’s somewhat useful,


    @brad Thanks for answering this question about how the data is stored. I ran into that comment about your plugin also and was wondering…

    Ulken mentions that he reordered the UI a bit. I was recently watching a presentation by
    Helen Hou-Sandi
    on maintaining a beautiful Admin UI. One of the UI requests made of plugin authors is that there is only one “primary” = Blue button per page I think this sort of thing helps with web accessibility issues too. But I was noticing that in CPT UI on the add new page there are two blue buttons… This is because the same page is used to add new CPTs and New Taxonomies. – in a way this makes it simpler, because there is only one page, but I wonder if there shouldn’t be two pages. One for CPTs and one for Taxonomies.

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