• Resolved integrious


    Hi kosinix,

    I realise there may well have been a need to refactor the templates system in Cyclone, but rolling this out through the WordPress plugins auto-update system without even a warning is not good!

    All of us using a custom templates directory / custom template just had our sites broken with no warning. Thankfully in my case that’s one site that’s still in development, but I’m guessing for some people it’s angry calls from clients time…

    You really need to include some kind of fallback to the old template engine, even if it’s only for a limited number of releases (I appreciate that you aren’t charging for this software) with an alert warning that modifications are needed due to the use of deprecated code.


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  • Thread Starter integrious


    Hm, it’s even worse than that – the new template code is broken if you’re using a child theme (it calls get_template_directory() to determine the root of the current theme, which returns the root of the parent theme not the child (so if you build a theme which is a child of the standard 2011 theme, Cyclone will look for custom templates in /wp-content/themes/twentyeleven/cycloneslider not in /wp-content/themes/childtheme/cycloneslider which is where it should be looking.

    You need to be using get_stylesheet_directory() instead.


    Plugin Author kosinix


    Hello integrious,

    I appreciate your feedback and sorry to hear about your plight. ?? I included a note regarding the templates “Note: The templates for version 1.1.0 is not compatible with templates from version 1.0.6 and below” but yes it wasnt mentioned in wordpress auto-update area (my bad) but that was unintentional mistake.

    With regards to the child themes, there is no mention about the plugin supporting child themes. I will consider adding it on the next release though. Thanks for mentioning it.

    I will not provide a fallback to previous template system as its too much to maintain at this time. I believe, the new template system is better and will benefit the user base in the long run.

    FYI, you can always rollback to a previous version by going to wordpress svn https://www.ads-software.com/extend/plugins/cyclone-slider/developers/ and use whichever works for you.


    Thread Starter integrious


    Hi kosinix,

    Thanks for the quick reply – as I said I appreciate you don’t charge for Cyclone, and I can also see that the new template architecture is a big improvement on the old one.

    Child templates are standard WordPress functionality (in fact the encouraged way of developing templates these days), so not being compatible with them arguably means you aren’t fully compatible with any version of WordPress from the last couple of years. That said, as far as I can see the only lines that need to change to support them are:

    cyclone-slider.php: 576,641,642

    All calls to either get_template_directory() or get_template_directory_uri() that need changing to the stylesheet version, and all introduced with the new template system, so up ’til now Cyclone has been compatible.


    Plugin Author kosinix


    Hello Geoff,

    Thanks for pointing that out. You’ve got a keen eye for code. :-). Im working on adding the template selection to the admin so I might roll child theme support out along with the next version (as time permits). So current version will have to linger a bit longer, for now.

    Again, thanks for the feedback.

    Thread Starter integrious


    No problem – it’s a great plugin, really easy to modify to do exactly what I want.


    Plugin Author kosinix


    Wow, a 1 star rating? Your problem can be easily remedied by using a previous version 1.0.6.

    Thread Starter integrious


    Eh? I gave it five stars! Just been back to check because I thought I must have been a muppet and clicked the wrong end, but it’s showing my rating as five gold…

    I’ve just fixed the lines I reported and I’ll happily wait for the fixes to find their way into a release.

    Plugin Author kosinix


    Oops sorry about that. Nevermind. Just woke up then saw the 1 star and my mind sort of connected it to you.

    Anyways, yep bug fixes, child theme support, and template selection will be included. Whats more is there will be more transitions and responsiveness (mobile) in the future releases! I’m pretty much excited about it so you guys just stick around with cyclone slider. Thanks Geoff


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