• nic12937


    I’ve been using this plugin for a simple WP site that is displaying a schedule on several Samsung TV’s, using the “Internet” app on the TV. I have been using it for years without issue, but it stopped working for no apparent reason so we’ve been manually refreshing the site on the TV which kind of defeats the purpose of the plugin. Can you help me troubleshoot?

    php version 8.0.28

    WordPress 6.3.1

    thanks in advance.

    • This topic was modified 1 year ago by nic12937.
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  • Plugin Author jordanleven


    Hey @nic12937,

    When did this behavior start? Did it randomly appear or did it happen after a recent plugin update or WordPress update?

    And please send a screenshot of the troubleshooting screen, which you can navigate to from the Force Refresh admin page and clicking on Troubleshooting.

    Thread Starter nic12937


    I wish I knew the exact time it stopped working, the receptionist didn’t tell me she was manually refreshing the site for awhile.

    2023-10-12-10-01-48 hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB (ibb.co)

    Plugin Author jordanleven


    Okay, so it looks like the plugin is up-to-date and running a supported version of PHP. Force Refresh has a debug mode that will output what is happening behind-the-scenes in your browser console. You mentioned that this is running on an Internet-connected TV, so I’m not sure you’re given access to the browser console. If you know how to access that on your TV, you can follow the following steps there. Otherwise, if not, you can perform the following steps on a computer.

    1. In one browser window, navigate to the Troubleshooting page in Force Refresh and toggle on Debug Mode and click Exit Troubleshooting. You will now see a banner indicating that Debug Mode is active.
    2. Open a separate private browser window (i.e., Incognito on Chrome), navigate to the homepage of your site, and open the browser console. Be sure that All Levels is selected for logging. Here, will begin to see logs being output from Force Refresh that will all begin with ForceRefresh, with the first message being, Debug mode is active.
    3. With both browser windows open, start a screen capture to record a video of your screen with both windows visible, including the browser console of the second window. In the first window, click the Force Refresh button. In the second window, messages will continue to log, Next check in...seconds. Keep rerecording until the countdown is complete.
    4. Send the screen capture over and we can continue debugging.

    Thread Starter nic12937


    Plugin Author jordanleven


    Hey @nic12937,

    Looking at those logs, it looks like Force Refresh is behaving as expected on your site. With Debug Mode enabled, it won’t actually refresh the site but it will report what its intentions are. In this case, I can see that it had intended to refresh.

    Based on this testing, I can confirm that it doesn’t appear to be an issue specific to your site setup. Additionally, I haven’t received reports of similar behavior elsewhere and am not able to replicate the issue on my end. In this case, this is leading me to believe that the issue with the TV Internet app and not an issue with Force Refresh or your site specifically. Plus, the engine behind refreshes hasn’t changed in some time so its unusual that, with no additional changes, this feature broke so randomly.

    With that, some follow up questions:

    • What browser is being used on the TV Internet app?
    • Are you able to see the browser console for the TV Internet app?
    • Have you ruled out the TV Internet app crashing or hanging? Have you attempted power cycling the TV?
    Thread Starter nic12937


    Thank you so much for taking the time to help me troubleshoot my issue. The browser is simply called “Internet” and it’s running on several Samsung TVs displaying our customer schedule and office locations. I’m not able to see a console on the TV, and I’ve looked for updates to the app, however, it states fully up to date. When we use the remote and click refresh in the app, it immediately updates. We do regularly lose power here so these TV’s are being power cycled. I am leaning toward the browser on the TV being the issue though, might try to get a mini computer w/ browsing capabilities rather than built in web browser. Maybe the browser goes into power save mode and doesnt allow your plugin to fetch. Otherwise, your plugin has been working great for years though I was hopeful the issue might be solved by reaching out. If you can think of anything else to check, let me know. Thanks again!

    Plugin Author jordanleven


    Oh yeah no worries. There are a few things that could be happening that would prevent the feature from working. I have the same suspicion as you – that the TV Internet App is freezing the webpage to save on resources (which would prevent Force Refresh from making calls to the API). Since TVs generally don’t have the most powerful CPUs or RAM, it would makes sense that its doing this as a compromise between having Internet features without having to supply the normal hardware guts. It would also explain the timing, since the client that checks for the most up-to-date version of the side hasn’t been updated recently. It’s possible that an update to the TV either introduce a bug or began throttling the CPU/implemented some resource savings features. I’m leaning towards this because there are two scenarios that come to mind that would result in this behavior:

    An issue with Force Refresh returning the updated site version
    Force Refresh works by periodically reaching out to the API and comparing the version in the browser to the version stored on server, which changes every time you request a refresh. In this scenario, if the browser reaches out to the API and the API doesn’t return a version, or returns the wrong version, the browser will decide not to refresh because it will only refresh if the API version doesn’t match the current version. Based on testing with your computer, this doesn’t appear to be the case.

    The browser does not periodically reach out to the API
    If, for whatever reason, the client-side code does not check with the API based on the refresh interval then, of course, it will never actually check what the current version of the site is. If the browser prevents this call from happening, or kills the execution of events from setTimeout, then there’s no real way for this plugin to function since it’s effectively preventing code execution after the page is fully loaded.

    Without seeing the logs from the TV, there’s not a ton I can do to see why that Internet app isn’t executing the code. If I had the browser engine and some way to emulate it, I could try and see what’s going on but these closed systems aren’t the best to work with. The other thing I could do is to log inbound calls to the API to see if we can check if the TV is even making the calls to the API but I suspect that’d just confirm what we’re assuming at this point, which is that no calls are being made to the API.

    Do you mind sending the TV make and model? I was going to do some searching to see if there was anything else I could find out about the browser engine running things behind the scenes.

    Thread Starter nic12937


    TV Model is a Samsung. Model code: UN32M5300.

    I dont see any updates available on the manufacturers website. The browser is TizenBrowser

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