The issue seems to be that you have set the front page ( as the Thank You page. The impact of that is once you have be shown the front page, the popup will never appear again. Also, the time-delay for popup #1 is set to -1 seconds, which disables the popup, as the delay needs to be a non-negative number.
Here is how to correct it:
1. In PopupAlly -> Display Settings, under section ‘How to stop showing this popup’, uncheck the front page.
2. In PopupAlly -> Display Settings, for Popup #1, change the time delay to something other than -1 (for example, 5 seconds would be a good time)
3. (You might need to create a simple Thank you page) Only select the thank you page in that section. Thank you page is a page that only subscribers will see after signing up.
4. Your theme’s javascript file is interfering with the popup logic. Once I removed the ‘frontend.js’ script, exit intent and time-delayed popup functions properly. As I was testing, the file is showing an error saying ‘hoverIntent’ throws an exception, so that would be a good place to start.
Hope this helps!