Due to the CSS’s markup I don’t think this would be possible via the shortcode. This will be something I’ll address in the future when I get the time to bring out the first major update to the slider.
What you can do is edit the themes ‘single.php’ file and insert the slider manually using PHP.
Firstly download the “Custom Post Templates” plugin. Next, duplicate your single.php file and rename the duplicate to a name of your choice. Next, open the newly duplicated file and paste this code at the very top:
Template Name Posts: Easing Slider Post
Next, insert this <b>below</b> the div with the class “entry”;
<?php if (function_exists('easing_slider')){ easing_slider(); }; ?>
Then, edit the post you wish to have the Easing Slider displayed on. When editing the post you will see a new box called ‘Custom post template’. Select the template ‘Easing Slider Post’. If done correctly I believe the slider will appear underneath your specific posts content. If not, reply back to me here. If possible, paste the code of your modified duplicate file here and I will take a look at it. Sorry if this is a lot to take in.