Hmmm… My plugin does not do any echo $title
stuff. That’s all handled by the FancyBox script. So if you want to modify the title, you need to incorporate the official FancyBox method, as you have used before apparently, into the plugin. This can be done, but it won’t be easy. Nor will it stick on the next upgrade…
But to get you started: take a look at the file easy-fancybox-settings.php which is basically one big array of settings. First the Global settings, then IMG settings then the others like Youtube, PDF … Do a search for titleFormat
and you will find an inactive piece (starting with /*
and ending with */
) in the Global section. You can activate it by removing the /*
and */
and edit the part after function(title, currentArray...
so the title will look like you want. Note: you need to place a backslash before each single quote you use in your custom code!
If you leave it in the Global section, this title format will also apply to all other formats so you might want to move down to the IMG section.