• My embedded pdf works here fine in Firefox, but in IE I just get the Google Reader box with no content.
    Somehow the link is ‘breaking’ in IE – when I view the source, I see
    <code><iframe src="https://docs.google.com/viewer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.minors-on-tour.org.uk%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2FBookingForm2012.pdf&embedded=true" style="height:600px;width:570px;" class="pdf"></iframe></code>
    As you can see, the slasshes are displayed properly in the Docs Viewer part of the URL, but the slashes are replaced with %2F elsewhere? Is that what’s causing the problem in IE, or is it something else?


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  • Plugin Author Pat Hawks


    Rest assured that this is working exactly as it should.

    What you are seeing is part of the escaped URL. Since colons and slashes are not allowed in that part of the URL, they are replaced with their escaped equivalents.

    Thread Starter travellers


    Okay, thanks for the info on that. But still, why does my embedded document show in Firefox but not in Explorer then?

    Plugin Author Pat Hawks


    I have been unable to reproduce this error.
    The document appears exactly as expected in Internet Explorer

    See screenshot

    Plugin Author Pat Hawks


    If you are able to figure out what’s going on / how to fix it, please let me know.
    If there’s something that I can change in the plugin to make it work, I’d love to.

    Thread Starter travellers


    I can’t fathom it – I have THREE pc’s here, and ALL of them show the page properly in Firefox and ALL of them show an empty frame in Explorer!

    Plugin Author Pat Hawks


    I don’t know what to tell you.
    Do you have the security settings in Internet Explorer set to something other than the default?

    What version of Internet Explorer are you using and on what version of Windows?

    I’m getting the same problem – looks like @travellers doesn’t have a fix either. My problem page is here . Fine in Firefox, but not working in MSIE. If I “open in new window” in MSIE, it’s there OK – but on the primary page the “big thumbnail” is not showing and the paging and zoom buttons have no effect. Instead of the pdf image I have five “picture not shown” icons. (My pdf has six pages.)

    I tried it on a totally different PC (MSIE only) and could not even see the toolbar buttons.

    Hmm. Wonder if it’s to do with the MSIE (or windows) version? I am using MSIE 9.0 with Vista Business 6.0 SP2.

    My son is on MSIE7 with Windows 7 (IIRC), and reports it works fine for him.

    Thread Starter travellers


    Hi Alan
    You’re right I’m afraid – I never got to the bottom of it. I’ve just looked at your page in FF and its fine, but no thumbnails in IE. I’m using MSIE 9 here with Win 7, and just tried my laptop which is again IE9 but with Vista and there’s no thumbnails but is fine in FF.
    Don’t know what to suggest I’m afraid ??

    My suspicion is that it’s version 9 of MSIE that is causing the problem – though I may well be wrong! Here is what I find –

    – My PC on Vista Business:
    …Firefox 7.0.1 – works OK
    …MSIE 9.0 – “big thumbnail” does not show, but toolbar does and “opens in new window” OK
    …Chrome 14 – works OK
    – My Laptop on XP Prof 5.1 SP3:
    …Firefox 6.0.2 – works OK
    …MSIE 8.0 – works OK (my son also finds MSIE 7 works with XP Prof)
    – Son’s PC on Windows 7:
    …Firefox 3.6 – does not work at all, not even toolbars (but it is a very old edition of FF)
    …MSIE 9 – “big thumbnail” does not show, but toolbar does and “opens in new window” OK

    And I’m on WordPress 3.2.1 …

    Thread Starter travellers


    You could be right – I am currently running ie9 beta and having major problems with pdf viewing would seem to indicate others feel IE9 has issues with pdf’s. I just tried to look up the instructions to ‘roll back’ IE9 to 8, but I’m afraid they look a bit over my head, and all the PC’s I have here have already upgraded so I reckon I’m stuck with it!

    I’ve added a caveat to my webpage! Still ticking off problems with WordPress – I am very new to it …

    Plugin Author Pat Hawks


    Thought I would add some thoughts to this discussion.

    * I am sure that the version of WordPress you’re using does not affect this issue at all. If the object works in any browser, than obviously the plugin is putting the correct code on your page.
    * When I test my pages on Windows, I test only against IE9 on Windows 7, and the plugin seems to work fine there for me.
    * The issue has nothing to do with IE’s PDF support. It isn’t actually a PDF being displayed, rather, Google converts each page of the PDF to an image and displays that.

    If we can’t get this working in IE, what would be the best alternative? We could just give IE users a link to download the PDF instead of the viewer object, though that seems like it would be a shame since it does work in IE some of the time.
    If we detect IE, we could skip the viewer and instead render the PDF in an iframe, though if the user didn’t have Adobe Reader installed, this would prompt them to download and install it, which isn’t optimal.
    I am totally open to suggestion on this one.

    Thanks for your patience and explanations, Pat.

    I am puzzled though – while the problem does seem to be browser-related, you seem to be able to see the pdf image OK using IE9 with Win7 while neither @travellers nor my son, with the same setup, can see it. Can you confirm, Pat, that you can see the pdfs on my site (here) and @travellers’ OK? What could account for the variability? Perhaps I should do a mini-survey of my contacts.

    So doesn’t everyone have Adobe Reader? My likely users certainly will, so a solution that assumes this would be fine for me – but not perhaps for others.

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