• Recently added this plug in. Was playing with it in test mode with Paypal sandbox. Uploaded an MP3. Then went in to “purchase” it. Added to cart, was directed to paypal, made payment successfully, then was redirected to page “Thank you for your order”. Can’t figure out how the user would now actually get a download link for the MP3 file?

    Great plugin by the way.

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  • Anonymous User


    glad its working, let me know how you get on.

    Could I PM you a couple of questions about using this?

    Anonymous User


    well you can email me – [email protected]

    Hi, have this on MU downloaded and uploaded today, 22 December as it says updated day before yesterday..

    two problems

    1: if I have something in my shopping cart from blog a, then go to blog b and put something in shopping cart there, they are both in my shopping cart. Big problems as regards payment there….

    2: Live site (in at deep end) product up in downloads.
    Customer: paid money, went to blank thank you page
    NO download link

    me: received money AND failure IPN email from my shop “Paypal IPN -A Failed Payment Ref:***************”

    So it took customers money, paid me said money, but says it failed

    Anonymous User


    1. aha – that’s one that hasn’t been thought of – not a problem though I’ll look into that and look at individualising things to stop that from happening.

    2. Most likely this is a currency mismatch – check your settings within eShop match those setup at paypal.

    Also if eShop thinks it is a failed payment for whatever reson it won’t display details to the customer, or send them an email – you’ll have to do that manually. (you wouldn’t want eShop to send an automatic email with download details in if things failed).

    1. ??

    2: those setup at PayPal? What do you mean? I have my b usiness account set to GBP and thats also what the shop is set to £… forgive me for being dense lol I really dont understand that bit.

    I understand what you mean about failed payment….. toruble is I couldnt manually send a download link to myself coz I didnt know what the link was to send ROFL

    Anonymous User


    2.12.4 will fix the cross site issue for WPMU.

    [edit – just been released – let me know if there are any problems]

    Anonymous User


    [quoting from a post elsewhere…]
    The merchant gateway email address must match the one set up at paypal. If they don’t match it usually causes a failed/’Fraud’.

    If the transaction id has been used before, it marks it as failed/duplication.

    If the order is not pending, and paypal tries to update things, it marks it as failed.

    A failed/invalid payment can be caused by an error in the cart itself, but more often than not is is caused by a Currency Code mis-match.

    That’s the majority of the checks…

    So the CurrencyCode needs to be Pounds Sterling (GBP) (from the eshop settings page).

    However there are occasionally other reasons, if you are able to send me a copy of the email you recieved from eShop for that transaction I
    may be able to identify where the error is. [ [email protected] ]

    Anonymous User


    In the orders section when you view the details for any order the email address is a link to a form with all the details of the email filled in for you…

    Thanks so much I will check it now ??

    I am having the same problem. The payment is made but eShop doesn’t think so. I receive a failed IPN message from eShop. The header says “Paypal IPN -A Failed Payment Ref:”

    I am using US Dollars in eShop as well as in my business account.

    By the way, I love the plugin. It’s a little cryptic to figure out how to use it but I like the way it works once set up.

    Anonymous User


    The last problem with failed orders was that the currency settings did not match – they just thought they did. So can you double check those.

    In that email is the payment status – completed? or something else.
    At paypal is the payment showing up as completed?
    Does the shopping cart at paypal contain the same prices as those on your site?

    Cryptic to set up? I’d love to hear more on that. However I am redesigning the settings page(again!) for future releases which may well make things easier.

    I have a question. I’m in Test Mode. It seems the PayPal sandbox isn’t working correctly. However, when I click on orders I can click on the test “Shipped” item & it shows the email with the download link. Does that mean the test payment went OK?

    P.S. e-shop isn’t sending the notification instantly either. I had to manually send it.

    Anonymous User


    do you have a Paypal Sandbox account? if yes – remember the email sent from eShop to the customer is the email address as entered in the checkout. So if you have something like [email protected] as the email address you must set up things to receive emails to that address.

    But if in doubt, why not set up a 1p product and do a live test.

    It was set up to go to a test email. I’d do a live test, but I only have the one paypal account & don’t know who could be my test customer. I can’t buy it with my own account, but I’ll see if I can find a beta tester.

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