• I am testing the plug with real information and I try to check out one item with PayPal.
    But there is a problem. Most billing information does not pass to PayPal screen to pay with credit card information.

    From all cells only the First Name, Last Name and Email are transferred.
    The Billing Address1-2, City, State, Zip Code and Telephone information does not transfer.
    This is inconvenient because it takes time to enter all contact information in the check-out box, and when the same information doesn’t transfer from one side to-the-other it makes people to change their minds and cancel their order.


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  • I have not yet released a version for WP 2.9 – that may fix some of the issues you are experiencing. Starting on it next week however.

    Thread Starter vasilissk


    I download the new version of eShop and the problem remains the same.

    the correct info is sent from eShop to paypal – so not much I can do about it.

    Thread Starter vasilissk


    I made to stop the send sequence from eShop to Paypal before the paypal screen appear in order to debug the problem, and with-in a split of a second before the new screen loads, there is a quick error code on the bottom of the screen.
    The error in the screen is:

    WordPress database error Field ‘thememo’ doesn’t have a default value for query INSERT INTO wp_eshop_orders (checkid, first_name, last_name,company,email,phone, address1, address2, city, state, zip, country, reference, ship_name,ship_company,ship_phone, ship_address, ship_city, ship_postcode, ship_state, ship_country, custom_field,transid,edited,comments,paidvia)VALUES( ‘6e-what-ever-b8’, ‘Fname’, ‘Lname’, ”, ‘[email protected]’, ‘Zipcode’, ‘address’, ”, ‘town’, ’11’, ‘Zip’, ‘US’, ”, ‘name’, ”, ‘phone’, ‘address’, ‘city’, ‘zip’, ’11’, ‘US’, ’20–what-ever-this-number-is–05′, ‘Processing…’, NOW(), ”, ‘paypal’ ); made by require, require_once, include, the_content, apply_filters, call_user_func_array, do_shortcode, preg_replace_callback, do_shortcode_tag, call_user_func, eshop_show_checkout, eshop_checkout, include, orderhandle WordPress database error Field ‘optsets’ doesn’t have a default value for query INSERT INTO wp_eshop_order_items (checkid, item_id,item_qty,item_amt)values( ’33-what-ever-5e’, ‘postage’, ‘1’, ‘7.99’); made by require, require_once, include, the_content, apply_filters, call_user_func_array, do_shortcode, preg_replace_callback, do_shortcode_tag, call_user_func, eshop_show_checkout, eshop_checkout, include, orderhandle

    I checked all fields one by one to have the same information but all the time this error shows on the bottom of the screen.
    I also open the database with PHPmyAdmin and I looked in the wp_eshop_orders and under Default all fields are blank.
    For quality purposes all personal information have been modified.

    what db type is your wp_eshop_orders table? If it isn’t myisam – change it to that and see if that helps.

    Thread Starter vasilissk


    I changed the DB from InnoDB to MyISAM but the result is the same.
    Everything else in the Data Base works and have Data in, besides this one.

    please confirm you actually made another test order after you changed the db type, it isn’t clear from your last comment.

    Please also confirm which version of the plugin you are using.

    Thread Starter vasilissk


    I did some tests again with MyISAM DB and I still have the same errors on the screen. I am using eShop 4.2.3. For some reason that I cannot explain the information do not enter in the database.

    ok try this.

    Open cart-functions.php and change this line(521):

    and change this line(547):

    If that fixes it I’ll add it into the plugin for future updates.

    Thread Starter vasilissk


    I did the update in the lines you mention above and there is a little progress.
    I have a new error on the bottom of the screen from before.
    You pass the ‘thethemo’ now is the ‘admin_note’.

    WordPress database error Field ‘admin_note’ doesn’t have a default value for query INSERT INTO wp_eshop_orders (checkid…

    do the same again and retest:
    Open cart-functions.php and change this line(521):

    and change this line(547):
    let me know how that does.

    Thread Starter vasilissk


    So far all the changes seems to work and the error got smaller in size.
    I also opened the database and I see now the first entry in wp_eshop_order.
    The paypal window opens and it pops up the checkout window expanded.

    The next error is:

    WordPress database error Field ‘optsets’ doesn’t have a default value for query INSERT INTO wp_eshop_order_items (checkid, item_id,item_qty,item_amt)values( ‘560-Big-Number-3b’, ‘postage’, ‘1’, ‘0’); made by require, require_once, include, the_content, apply_filters, call_user_func_array, do_shortcode, preg_replace_callback, do_shortcode_tag, call_user_func, eshop_show_checkout, eshop_checkout, include, orderhandle

    I think you are very close to solve this problem.

    yeah apologies, but as I can’t replicate I have to ask you to test at each step.

    so change lines 624-629 from this:

    $querypostage=$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO  $itemstable
    (checkid, item_id,item_qty,item_amt)

    to this

    $querypostage=$wpdb->query("INSERT INTO  $itemstable
    (checkid, item_id,item_qty,item_amt,optsets)

    In theory these errors shouldn’t be needed – so it is actually a database issue – I’m just not sure why you are getting them.

    Thread Starter vasilissk


    There is no more errors in this option. I guess Bug fixed.
    It looks like because there wasn’t some virables in the code the computer couldn’t find the path to store the information to database.

    I don’t see any visible error on the screen.

    well I might add them in, or make some changes to at least stop it appearing – keep an eye out for the next version and re-test, just in case I missed any of them.

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