• Resolved elseyadcock


    I have been looking into the EU Cookie directive and found this plugin that does the job to a point in that it deals with WordPress cookies and opting in in line with the ICO site, which is what I wanted. However, I have Google Analytics installed and the cookies generated by that are being set when the page loads as normal. Has anyone come across this, or knows of a fix to stop these cookies as well?


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  • Thread Starter elseyadcock


    It could be your theme. Also, you need to use an up to date version of WordPress. Cookies you want to block must be declared in the plugin settings page.

    If a plugin is still setting a cookie you will need to track down the code where the cookie is being set and enclose it in a condition:

    <?php // If our cookie is set
    		if(isset($_COOKIE['ecd_opt_in']) && !empty($_COOKIE['ecd_opt_in'])) { ?>
    	<!--code that sets a cookie here-->
    		<?php } ?>

    This checks to see if the ecd_opt_in (opt-in cookie) has been set. If it has it allows the cookies to be written, and if it hasn’t it will block them.


    Its literally not blocking a single cookie. We have the most recent WordPress version.

    The problem with doing that is when a plugin gets an update it will simply be overwritten…

    Thread Starter elseyadcock


    OK, I have no connection with the guys who made this plug-in – I’m just providing info on what I have found and how I have got it to work for my own projects. Best to contact them for a solution to your specific problem.

    Yeh sure I know ?? how do I find contact details for them do you know?

    Thread Starter elseyadcock


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