• Plugin Author Franky


    Finally the new release is there. I want to point out a new feature called “new access right setting for publish events”, so some people will want to change this for their needs.

    From the changelog:

    * Feature: placeholders #_TOTALSPACES and #_TOTALSEATS added (gives the total amount of spaces for an event)
    * Feature: placeholder #_TOTALPRICE added for mail formats (gives the total price to pay: the amount of spaces booked times the price of the event)
    * Feature: placeholder #_RECURRENCEDESC added, shows the recurrence info for an event like it does in the admin backend
    * Feature: events can now also have a featured image, like locations, resulting also in 2 new placeholders: #_EVENTIMAGE and #_EVENTIMAGEURL
    * Feature: location list formatting is now possible in the settings, when using the shortcode [events_locations], as it was already for [events_list]
    * Feature: each day in the calendar now also has the short day name as an extra class
    * Feature: list widget now also can choose to show ongoing events or not
    * Feature: made the message ‘Your booking has been recorded’ formattable
    * Feature: scope=Nd–Md, to get the events from day N in the past/future till day M in the past/future (eg. scope=-3d–2d , scope=0d–3d)
    * Feature: initial state for a new event can now be set in the settings page
    * Feature: new access right setting for publish events
    * Extra: included the plugin events-made-easy-frontend-submit, see the dir extras/plugins/events-made-easy-frontend-submit
    * Extra: if the end date is empty, it will always be the start date now. If you want to check if they are equal, use conditional tags
    * Extra: French translation updated, thanks to Philippe Lambotte
    * Bugfix: typo fix in eme_events.php influencing location showing
    * Bugfix: typo fix in eme_events.php for a jquery statement
    * Bugfix: when adding a registration via the backend and approval was required, the registered person would get a pending message although it was already approved
    * Bugfix: #_USER_RESERVEDSPACES wasn’t working correctly for the attendees format setting
    * Bugfix: location title was not qtranslate-ready in the [events_location] shortcode
    * Bugfix: better retrieving of new booker info, should resolve the booker being empty in some cases
    * Bugfix: datepicker images were not in svn
    * Bugfix: list widget was behaving incorrectly for the author option
    * Bugfix: when clicking on calendar day and there’s only 1 event, only show the event content directly if the event doesn’t point to an external url
    * Bugfix: the booking form was still shown for fully booked events if the max number of seats to book was not defined
    * Bugfix: typo fix in the admin edit location pages
    * Bugfix: #_PLAIN_CONTACTEMAIL was being replaced by empty string in mails


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