• Resolved BlueDagger


    When displaying the #_Attendees placeholder it by default puts a mark next to the avatar picture and puts them vertical ascending by default. Has anyone found a means to just place the avatar pictures horizontally side by side?

    With the defaults, if you have several people booking an event the Avatar display looks rather ugly just having a stream of vertical avatar pictures.


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  • you can change that by using placeholders/attendees.php file inside EM templates and here’s the tutorial url https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/using-template-files/

    Thread Starter BlueDagger


    I dug into those but I couldn’t find at what point the call is made on the template to display the attendees.

    The attendees.php appears to simply import the avatars into an array, but I’m not finding the location where the #_Attendees is actually created. I’m having trouble finding the location where the Avatar array is actually called to display which would be the spot where it is probably putting a after each to make it just to the next line.

    if you want to see where it is being created here is the location /classes/em-event.php line 904 just be sure to backup first.

    Thread Starter BlueDagger


    After some research I figured this one out and slapped myself for how easy it is. Simply edit line 10 for placeholders/attendees.php and remove the

    • . This will prevent it from being entered like a list and thus the output will show the images next to each other ??

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