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  • Thread Starter rasenkantenstein


    thank you for the advice… but how do i integrate it into the admin panel?
    and the #_BOOKINGNAME place holder only reveals the name given by wordpress, doesnt it??

    I’d also be interested in this. Looking at the php for em in placeholders folder it’s user_name that’s collected from the form as name, and I think buddypress generates username based on email address and this passed as display_name for login and user_nicename is what’s taken as #_BOOKINGNAME by em? Still quite new to buddypress so apologies if that’s total nonsense.

    p.s. I’ve recently added a facebook connect/login plugin to my site and if a user connects with this (to register and login to the site), their actual name (or whatever name they have specified in facebook, I assume) is used instead of the buddypress email generated user name. Tested it a few times and it works well, but of course doesn’t stop folk from signing up using the booking form first unless there’s a way to make it facebook connect only.

    I’ve managed this in so much as to adapt the booking admin panel (for confirmed as that’s all I’m interested in) to show the bookers real name and to export bookers real name in .csv. Not tackled the email bit yet tho’!

    For the admin panel change, go into plugin>admin>bookings>em-confirmed.php and change this line:
    <?php echo $EM_Booking->person->display_name ?>

    to this line:
    <?php echo $EM_Booking->person->first_name ?>?<?php echo $EM_Booking->person->last_name ?>

    Basically, it’s just changing ‘display_name’ to ‘last_name’ ‘first_name’
    If you want to show the same for pending/cancelled, etc I imagine it’s probably the same. ??

    I had this same issue! The Booking placeholders are defined here:
    events-manager\classes\em-booking.php (NOT em-bookings.php)

    Somewhere around line 490 of that file, you should see an array for the placeholders that looks like this:

    // email specific placeholders
    $placeholders = array(
    ‘#_RESPNAME’ => ‘#_BOOKINGNAME’,//Depreciated
    ‘#_RESPEMAIL’ => ‘#_BOOKINGEMAIL’,//Depreciated
    ‘#_RESPPHONE’ => ‘#_BOOKINGPHONE’,//Depreciated
    ‘#_COMMENT’ => ‘#_BOOKINGCOMMENT’,//Depreciated
    ‘#_RESERVEDSPACES’ => ‘#_BOOKEDSPACES’,//Depreciated
    ‘#_BOOKINGNAME’ => $this->person->display_name,
    ‘#_BOOKINGEMAIL’ => $this->person->user_email,
    ‘#_BOOKINGPHONE’ => $this->person->phone,
    ‘#_BOOKINGSPACES’ => $this->get_spaces(),
    ‘#_BOOKINGLISTURL’ => em_get_my_bookings_url(),
    ‘#_BOOKINGCOMMENT’ => $this->comment,

    Modify this: ‘#_BOOKINGNAME’ => $this->person->display_name

    The object is the same as for the admin page which ksaffy explained above. So you’ll probably want to do: ‘#_BOOKINGNAME’ => $this->person->first_name

    Note that this is modifying the core code so I’m not sure if/how that’d affect updates and so on. It’s working fine for me so far.

    Cheers for that! Could not see it for looking. ??

    Thread Starter rasenkantenstein


    ksaffy and muscat! thank you guys so much. you have been a great help and everything is working perfectly now.

    i also added a new placeholder

    ‘#_BOOKINGLNAME’ => $this->person->last_name

    to cover the case for a formal greeting!

    thank you!

    I tried this as well, and it works perfectly in the admin panel. I also added the placeholder BOOKINGLNAME as Rasenkantenstein did, but it always return the value “1” for that in the email, do you have the same problem of is it working?

    Thread Starter rasenkantenstein


    hey bsmeets,

    I havent tried the configuration if someone is just putting down one name (first or last).

    but i tested it if someone uses a name like “John Doe”– then it seems work.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    i’ve changed the default email value to avoid this confusion ??

    btw, just added some new placeholders, see the docs or help page


    I am using Event manager plugin, want to display the name of the people who has booked the tickets for the events, on the same page(front end). Can someone please help me how to do this ??


    Thanks for the quick response agel,
    i tried
    There was no change at all, i followed the same way as it was mentioned in the above link, But dint work :(,

    Only Avatars is displaying there, but i want both avatars and there(Member’s who are attending Event) name to be displayed.


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