• I am trying to only show events according to attribute – is this possible?

    I add a new attribute – ‘Assigned to’
    I add a name (current logged in username) to the ‘Assigned to’ field in the event form

    So, I assign an event to Bob, Bob logs in and now he can see only that event.

    How can I show events where that “assigned to’ username matches the logged in username?


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  • not possible atm, but you can use general arguments to filter events by owner https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/event-search-attributes/ and using shortcodes https://wp-events-plugin.com/documentation/shortcodes/

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    could be done, but you’d have to code this yourself, I advise you also check the tutorials here: wp-events-plugin.com/tutorials/

    Thread Starter Lee Rickler


    I changed things around a little bit and came up with this which looks for the owner of the event and checks that against the logged in user.

    So, if you have events ‘owned’ by you and you’re logged in you’ll only see those events:

    <?php echo do_shortcode('[events_list category="8" owner="' . $current_user->ID . '"]'); ?>

    Oh .. and trust me, I spent most of yesterday trawling through the very comprehensive support files!

    thanks for sharing…

    Thread Starter Lee Rickler


    Apologies for changing this to unresolved – I thought it was but obviously I spoke too soon!
    The above works in the instance of narrowing by owner – I need to drill down to only display by attribute.

    For example, if the attribute is:
    #_ATT{Assigned to} how would I use that in this:

    <?php echo do_shortcode('[events_list category="8" owner="' . $current_user->ID . '"]'); ?>

    I tried

    <?php echo do_shortcode('[events_list category="8" att="' . $current_user->ID . '"]'); ?>


    <?php echo do_shortcode('[events_list category="8" #_ATT{Assigned to}"' . $current_user->ID . '"]'); ?>

    but nothing is working.

    I’m not familiar with this plugin, but I’m wondering if there is a place in the code where it states who created this event. Meaning, if you as the admin create the event.. can you then go to that particular event and change the name of the “owner”? Is there such a place to do this on each event?

    Sorry if this isn’t a solution, was just thinking of ways the “event” would document who “created” it.

    And if this is a possibility, then this is certainly a plugin I may be interested in implementing!

    Thread Starter Lee Rickler


    @manderson143 – Agreed – I’ve spent the last few days pondering the different ways of displaying and selecting the events.

    Filtering by attribute seems the only real way as their are so many permutations:
    John can create an event, assign the event to someone else, but not own it
    Jack can create an event and own it, not assign it to anyone except, perhaps, himself
    Jill can create an event and take full ownership, assigned to all functions

    This plugin is awesomely powerful … I just need to push it/ myself a bit and it’ll be even more awesomer!

    BTW – yes, you can change the ‘owner’ – The owner panel is on the right side of the ‘create an event’ page and imports all your members.
    So … I can create an event but assign you as the owner.

    I do have to apologize.. I AM familiar with it, in fact I’m using it, but as the CALENDAR.. (was thinking the plugin I was using had “calendar” in it’s name.. silly me!)..

    Hmmm.. I get what you are trying to do and what a benefit .. So.. there needs to be a way to have the plugin display according to “assigned” field and not “own” field, right?

    So what you are asking if it can do, would be greatly beneficial for anyone using this plugin..

    OK.. I’m thinking of a way it might be done, but I have to figure out how to write it down legibly.. I’ll be back! ??

    Thread Starter Lee Rickler


    Essentially, yes.

    All I’m trying to do is use an added attribute, in my case ATT{Assigned to}, in the shortcode.

    Pushing it further I want to match the ‘assigned to’ attribute to the logged in user – effectively only showing the logged in user events that have been assigned to him.

    I have a site that I created where USER1 would get his log in information and the first page he sees is HIS login page. And then he’ll be able to go to whichever pages I have listed on his page.

    So that part of it I have working.. I can get the exact plugin I used if you need that.

    Still thinking how to create USER1’s page and a USER2’s page and still allow for anyone to assign an event to them.

    May need a “calendar” page of their own that will let them only see theirs somehow (I know..that’s what you’re trying to do.. just had to say it out loud, sorta! ?? )

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    warning, don’t use the attributes for searching (i.e. SQL)! since they’re stored in one field as a serialized array, it wouldn’t serve you well in this respect

    the only time I’d recommend filtering by attribute is when looping events in PHP and checking the $EM_Event->attributes array before displaying the event.

    if you want a field like ‘assigned to’, I’d recommend adding a custom attribute as per our tutorial : https://wp-events-plugin.com/tutorials/

    also, instead of do_shortcode, use something like EM_Events::output(array('owner'=>get_current_user_id())), more powerful

    Thread Starter Lee Rickler


    Marcus – I’ve read the tuts many times, thanks!

    And thanks on the warning – A few changes I need to make I think.

    Thread Starter Lee Rickler


    EDIT: Reading the files in further depth – How can I include/ exclude a specific category from the results:

    I thought this would do it but, I’m not 100% sure I got it right:
    EM_Events::get(array('owner'=>$bp->displayed_user->id, 'category'=>8));

    EM_Events::get(array('owner'=>$bp->displayed_user->id, 'category'=>-8));

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    we don’t have an exclude option, just include (which you got right)

    to exclude you could put a commma seperated string of category IDs minus the ones you don’t want.

    Thread Starter Lee Rickler


    Looking good Marcus.
    I sent an email via your site – not sure if you got it.

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