• Eggi1972


    Hello Marcus,

    the recurring Events have this code by the Eventspage in the Backend :
    [ERROR: corrupted database record]

    I think it is my problem because…. 3 times i have problems by the installation ??

    So on some events are not in the eventlist on the frontend but the post are found by the normal search on the page ??

    I think it was my mistake because the first installation is failled. and so i have some events double or more.

    I Look forward….



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  • Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    i hope you backed up… events shouldn’t double (since post_id is saved in the em table, EM won’t make an event for a present post_id), although recurrences may have issues linking together. to fix that you’d need to revert back to your old db and try installing again.

    what was the initial problem?

    Thread Starter Eggi1972


    The Initial Problem, was that i have 3 breakdowns in the initial the initial have ca. 5- 10 at the first 2 initial.

    But I think ….. the ground was the over 2200 events and so.

    I’m looking forward….

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    3 breakdowns in the initial the initial have ca. 5- 10 at the first 2 initial.

    sorry, didn’t get what you meant here. could you rephrase?

    Thread Starter Eggi1972


    How should i explain it my english isn’t so good my german is much better ??

    I have upload the new files all ok and the installation all ok but to activate the plugin make some problems. the time it need is round about 5-10 minutes.

    I have make a new installation at the moment so the time only seconds. Also i think i have a database trouble.

    why i don’t know i’m a little bit stuppid sometimes or say it so if a problem come ….. it come to me ??

    but i have after the new installation .. is that some events are don’t found at the search tool by EM but at the normal search at the Homepage.

    Im sorry too that i make you so much trouble

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    np, these are good to know during beta testing.

    if you have a lot of events, it might take some time to update, given the amount of new posts etc. it has to create. However, it’s done in a way that if it doesn’t finish, it won’t start all over again, but only with unconverted events.

    that might be why you also have search problems…

    Thread Starter Eggi1972


    I have make new events but EM don’t find it too….

    Im stupid and have make some mistakes or….

    Keep calm im looking foward.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    well, we’re still testing away and making improvements on the beta, so if it doesn’t resolve itself in the next update (probably out on Monday), feel free to keep asking. thanks for testing!

    Thread Starter Eggi1972


    I’m testing quit and if a found something i post it ??

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