• Plugin Author Franky


    This is a major update release, mostly with new features: conditional tags, a filtering form, WP hooks and filters and more. Also, don’t hesitate to take a look at the new documentation layout at https://www.e-dynamics.be/wordpress

    From the changelog:
    * Feature: email now also sent when someone cancels a registration
    * Feature: new setting, to enable shortcodes in widgets as well
    * Feature: the global map now shows the same balloon info as the single map created from the placeholder #_MAP
    * Feature: the calendar options “Small calendar title” and “Full calendar events format” can now also use custom attributes as placeholders
    * Feature: EME installs fine for subsites now if you network activate the plugin for a multisite setup
    * Feature: added action hooks:
    eme_insert_event_action (1 parameter: $event)
    eme_update_event_action (1 parameter: $event)
    eme_insert_recurrence_action (2 parameters: $event,$recurrence)
    eme_update_recurrence_action (2 parameters: $event,$recurrence)
    eme_insert_rsvp_action (1 parameter: $booking), executed after inserting rsvp info into the db
    * Feature: added filters:
    eme_event_filter (1 parameter: $event array)
    eme_event_list_filter (1 parameter: array of events)
    eme_location_filter (1 parameter: $location array)
    eme_location_list_filter (1 parameter: array of locations)
    * Feature: making location_id also a possible filter for the calendar and events_list shortcode
    * Feature: extra “scope=tomorrow” possible for events_list shortcode
    * Feature: new shortcode [events_locations], giving you a list of all locations (for all possible parameters: see the doc site), when used in combo with the calendar it can be used to show only specific events in the calendar (use the ‘class’ parameter then with value ‘calendar’)
    * Feature: new shortcode [events_filterform], creates a form with dropdowns for categories, locations, towns, weeks, years (configurable in the settings). To be used on the same page as [events_list], otherwise it has no effect. Accepts 4 parameters: multiple (0/1), if you want to be able to select multiple categories, locations, towns (not weeks, years), multiple_size (the size of the dropdown window if multiple), scope_count (the number of future weeks/months to be shown), submit (the text on the submit button)
    * Feature: you can now use conditional placeholder formatting using a new shortcode [events_if] in your formatting, by prepending them with “#ESC”. An example for default single event formatting:
    <p>#j, #M #Y – #H:#i</p><p>#_NOTES</p>#_LOCATIONPAGEURL
    [events_if tag=’#ESC_ATT{color}’ value=’red’] color: #_ATT{color} [/events_if]
    [events_if tag=’#ESC_ATT{price}’] price: #_ATT{price} [/events_if]
    [events_if tag=’#ESC_TOWN’] Town: #_TOWN [/events_if]
    * Also for conditional tags: added [events_if2] and [events_if3], if you want to use more than one level of logic (wordpress doesn’t like a shortcode with the same name enclosed in another one)
    * Feature: for conditional tags, I added 4 extra shortcodes:
    #_IS_SINGLE_EVENT (‘1’ if you’re viewing a single event details, ‘0’ otherwise)
    #_IS_SINGLE_LOC (‘1’ if you’re viewing a single location details, ‘0’ otherwise)
    #_IS_LOGGED_IN (‘1’ if user is logged into WP, ‘0’ otherwise)
    #_IS_ADMIN_PAGE (‘1’ if on the admin pages)
    * Feature: you can now specify header/footer html code for the list widget as well
    * Feature: widget title is allowed to be empty
    * Feature: “require WP membership for registration” can now be set per event
    * Feature: added #_ICALURL, giving you just the url to the ical, so you can build your own link
    * Feature: you can now define a min/max number of spaces a person can book in one go (0 is possible)
    * Improvement: some browser incompatibilities solved
    * Improvement: more robust javascript for prefilling the formatting per event
    * Improvement: if the setting “Events page” is not set, no more will other pages be overwritten with events data
    * Change: the #_EXCERPT now only works (show the part before the more-tag) if not on the single event page, there it would show the whole content
    * Bugfix: #_EXCERPT layout was not ok, should be the same as for #_NOTES
    * Bugfix: the setting for “default contact person” was being ignored and has been corrected. Also I specified that the default contact person is the event author from now on (can still be changed in the settings page)
    * Bugfix: stricter matching, only replace placeholders that are found, not everything starting with #
    * Bugfix: bug that was triggered when “hide RSVP full events” was selected and no RSVP was made yet. It triggered a mysql statement that returned NULL where it should’ve been 0

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