Hi Guys!
this seems like the right place to ask this since you’ve already covered the timezone question (which I still don’t think works).
I have events that I put in a location called “Internet” because they’re live shows I’m doing on UStream – when I put in the time based on my own time zone (which is what the server is set to), when people request the events.ics, it gets converted to the proper GMT.
But I’m also using the new beta where the users can submit their own events and they could be anywhere around the world. They would have to convert the time to my timezone when they enter the time.
And I don’t want to change my server time to be GMT (which I think could be a potential solution). That would be fine if all I did was to have these universal events.
It would seem to me that the best option would be to give them a drop down for them to select the timezone for the event. This dropdown would also be added to the management side of the event creation and maintenance please.
Adding a drop down and making the plugin handle all the conversions would seem to make the most sense. This is what I had to do when I was developing a scheduling system a couple of years ago. The users couldn’t be trusted to figure out what the right GMT was for an event. but they could specify the local time quite easily.