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  • Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    what do you mean by timezone, is that so events already past are still showing?

    Thread Starter adammlowe


    No – when I add the generated ICS to a calendar the events are shown at the wrong times (because the ICS is set to the wrong time zone).

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    ah i see what you mean now. will look into that.

    Hi Guys!

    this seems like the right place to ask this since you’ve already covered the timezone question (which I still don’t think works).

    I have events that I put in a location called “Internet” because they’re live shows I’m doing on UStream – when I put in the time based on my own time zone (which is what the server is set to), when people request the events.ics, it gets converted to the proper GMT.

    But I’m also using the new beta where the users can submit their own events and they could be anywhere around the world. They would have to convert the time to my timezone when they enter the time.

    And I don’t want to change my server time to be GMT (which I think could be a potential solution). That would be fine if all I did was to have these universal events.

    It would seem to me that the best option would be to give them a drop down for them to select the timezone for the event. This dropdown would also be added to the management side of the event creation and maintenance please.

    Adding a drop down and making the plugin handle all the conversions would seem to make the most sense. This is what I had to do when I was developing a scheduling system a couple of years ago. The users couldn’t be trusted to figure out what the right GMT was for an event. but they could specify the local time quite easily.


    Has this issue been resolved yet? I have the same problem.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    should be. are your timezone settings right in General > Settings?


    yes, the timezone is set in my blog. That’s not the problem.

    when a user comes in to the form to create an entry and to put in the time, they don’t know what timezone my server is set to and therefore they can’t set the time correctly. I’ve had someone come in and enter an event for somewhere in europe and the server timezone is set for central time USA. I think the solution needs to be a dropdown for them to set the timezone of the event.


    There’s also still a problem with the titles (I mentioned this a long time ago on your forum) that come thru on the events.ics – the titles have the city and the date and time appended (and the city has an extra ‘\’ on it. – none of that needs to be in the title please.

    Here’s an example: – in this example, the title of the event is “event cinema workshop – edited’ and all this extra stuff is put in the title automatically in the .ics

    oh, if it helps, here’s my .ics file

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    timezones is something i will add eventually

    I guess for now I could add a little notice underneath mentioning the blog time?

    btw, what calendar is that, out of curiosity?


    I run a blog about cameras that shoot video (new breed called HDSLRs) – my calendar shows when I’m going to be doing podcasts live as well as training events and meetups where people are going to be getting together.

    Any chance of fixing the things I noted above that are showing up in the .ics?

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    will check it asap, probably to do with escaping commas etc.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    hey planetMitch,

    check out the dev, options now in settings page > calendar format. However, I couldn’t fix the locations issue, not happening to me (even with your calendar when viewing in google cal). if it’s still happening to you, let me know in a new post.

    I’m having the same problem, my site shows online events, so I need to attach a timezone to each one. Has anyone had any luck with this? I was thinking I could use an event attribute, but this seems clunky for the people loading in their events. Does anyone have a work-around?


    just wanted you to know I appreciate the options in the calendar format to change the calendar items in the feed. Worked like a charm… tho I did end up with items that said DQUOTExxxxDQUOTE when I had a title like “xxxx” (changed to single quotes and that worked fine)

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    atm the only timezone used is that of the blog in General > Settings

    @planetmitch will check the quotes issue again

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