• Hello,

    creating a location and then the event works fine (with 5.02) as long as I stick to 1 language. But creating an event and entering a new location, doesn’t show the location in the admin menu or page. I can select the same location with any new/other event, but I can’t edit or show the location anywhere else.

    Thank you for any indication what I have to change.


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  • Hi,

    Is this in Buddypress or in Multisite environment?

    Thread Starter salsatrips


    Hi, it is a Multisite without Buddypress. The events are enabled networkwide, but entered in blog 3.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    what are you using for multiple languages?

    Thread Starter salsatrips


    I’m using WPML with English and German. EM works almost perfect.

    It’s possible to create the “same” event in multiple languages. Event-pages are WPML-connected and switch correct. Also the link to the location is language dependent:

    It’s possible to create the “same” location in multiple languages. Events link to the correct language. Location-pages are WPML-connected and switch correct:

    The issue is the link from the location to the event. This link IS NOT language dependent – it links always to the same language. Im my case DE.

    Remark: also the categories link to the main blog (site 1) instead of the actual blog (site 3), where I created and used the categories.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    currently, I can’t help with WPML integration, I hope to make it the one we test in when time permits in a few weeks.

    Thread Starter salsatrips


    OK, and can you please separate that from the location, not showing up?

    I create an event with a new location. The location is in the database wp_em_locations and is also in the auto completer, creating the next event.

    But the location is neither in locations of the same blog nor in the main blog. It is not showing up as location.

    Is it somehow possible to “register” the location in the database afterwards or do I always first have to create a location an then create the event and then assign the location?

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    If you create a location (via events or directly), they should always be there.

    what’s your MS settings i.e. global tables etc.?

    Thread Starter salsatrips


    yes, global tables
    yes, display events on main blog
    yes, link sub-site events to sub-site
    no, locations on main blog
    no, display global locations

    Creating locations directly works properly. Creating an event with a new location, creates the location in the database with the correct blog id 3 location owner 2 instead 5. Changing the location owner to 5 doesn’t help. The location is in the db and in the auto completer, but not in the locations list – neither on the user or admin page nor on the main blog.

    Is it possible to post an image/screenshots because it seems that it’s working on my test site.

    Thread Starter salsatrips


    hm, I don’t know how to post screenshots in here. If you send your email to mail@salsa-trips.com I can reply either with screenshots or I provide you an user with admin rights. Would that be ok and probably faster?

    you can upload the screenshot to other sites and post the link here e.g. https://imageshare.web.id/ or if you can provide a complete step by step guide to help us perfectly simulate the problem.

    Thread Starter salsatrips


    CASE 1 (create event with new location = error)
    – add event (language = English)
    – fill in Headline + body + from/to + All day
    – fill in NEW location name + complete address
    – fill in some custom filds like meta description, keyworks, email, URL…
    – choose site category
    – Publish + View Event

    => Event is there & looks correct:

    => 404 for the new location

    => main blog for category (instead blog 3)

    => The location admin page doesn’t show the location
    => The location “user” page shows just 1/any location (not a list)
    => creating another event the location is in the auto completer
    => the location is in the database with the correct blog number

    Case 2a (create location, then create event = works)
    – locations + add location
    – fill in NEW location name + complete address
    – Publish + view location

    => location admin page shows the new location
    => location “user” page looks correct + can be edited:

    Case 2b
    – add event like in Case 1, but
    – selecting the location from the auto completer
    – Publish + view event

    => Event is there & looks correct:

    => Location is there and can be clicked:

    => Festival is show at the location and can be clicked:

    => database has the corresponding (same) entry.

    Thread Starter salsatrips


    btw. Locations “user” page shows now the list with locations (that wasn’t the case before):
    => Case 2 location is there, Case 1 location is not there


    It isn’t intuitive…at all. In fact, it’s a pain in the ass.

    do shortcode: [events_list location=”123456″]
    (where “123456” is the EVENTID for a specific location you wish to display)

    QUESTION: Where is the EVENTID for the specific location?
    ANSWER: This is the NON-intuitive part.

    EVENTID is NOT the postid#!
    EVENTID is NOT the postid#!
    EVENTID is NOT the postid#!
    EVENTID is NOT the postid#!

    The only way you can get the LOCATION ID (ex: 123456) is:
    1: ADD your locations, one by one in EVENTS>LOCATIONS
    2: click EVENTS>ADD EVENT
    3: VIEW SOURCE of the page using your browser (CTRL + U in FireFox and Chrome)
    4: SEARCH (CTRL + F) for “location_id”
    You’ll see the selection items for each location. Next to each will be something similar to:
    <option value="4" title="32.814082,-96.78917999999999" >Dallas Office</option>
    Option VALUE is what you want. In this case, “4” = “Dallas Office”

    If you find a shortcut to figuring out how to find out the value (LOCATIONID) for locations, I’d love to hear it. It should REALLY show up in the LOCATIONS list in the admin panel.

    So, in the end, your shortcode will be:
    [events_list location="4"]

    Thread Starter salsatrips


    Hi, sounds interesting, but I couldn’t get it working. It neither worked with the shortcode (which wouldn’t help me, as it’s just for a single or specific locations) nor would it show the locations in the admin panel to maintain them later on.

    It tried to switch between network and single block activation, but it seems that this screw up everything. So I stop at this point, buying the PRO version and hope that we will get it working somehow. I’m convinced that it is a great plug-in with the features I’m looking for.

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