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  • GACK!!! I loaded this plugin yesterday, and got it up running and working without a problem. Loaded a BUNCH of data, then went to dinner last night and when I came back I had lost the datapicker. (I didn’t update, so I don’t know how things changed.)

    I’m running various “Elegant Theme” themes on a couple different sites. I tried fresh installs on them and I still have the problem. (I even tried it on a COMPLETELY NEW WordPress install.) I tried both fixes provided with no change.

    I’ve lost both the date picker AND the Time drop down.

    I’m running WP 3.4.1 and EM (though didn’t fix it either)

    In the short term… If I can get the format for the date, I could at least move forward on this project in the short term.

    The site is in development and I can’t get the customer to pay for Pro until they can see that it works for their data.


    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    FYI, I wrote a post on the issue causing 99% of these conflicts

    if you still have issues, pls start a new thread.

    I’ll update the CSS file with the latest UI lightness theme from, but this new version doesn’t address the recommended fix.

    I don’t think changing their CSS as per @llb027 suggetsion would be the fix, I’d be more inclined to say your theme needs adjusting to compensate for the default jQuery UI CSS file.

    I was facing the same problem. My plugin of Order Delivery Date was not working for the Abundance theme by Kreisi. After digging into the issue for hours, I did manage to find the solution.

    The calendar does display, however, it gets hidden by other elements that are appearing on top of it (z-index). To fix this, I changed my datepicker code slightly:

    jQuery.extend(jQuery.datepicker, { afterShow: function(event) {
    	jQuery.datepicker._getInst('z-index', 10);
    }).focus(function (event) {


    In my case, in the Abundance theme by Kreisi, I had to extend the z-index value till 10 so the calendar would appear on top of the other elements (Product & Shipping details). In other cases, you might have to increase or decrease the value of z-index as required in your theme.

    In the Abundance theme, the #wrap_all has a z-index of 10 & .container_wrap has a z-index of 2 (in style.css). This essentially puts all contents on checkout page above any other elements that don’t have z-index specified upto 10.

    I changed their CSS as per @llb027 suggestion and now the datepicker has reappeared, however the end date datepicker will not allow a year earlier than 2018. Any ideas how to fix this?

    @digitalnordic: Is it possible for you to post a link to the datepicker?

    I also agree with Marcus that changing CSS as per @lbb027 would not fix it.

    Sorry it is a live client site so I can not give access to the datepicker. The site is I am using a genesis custom child theme.

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    @digitalnordic thanks for pointing out the bug report and the extra info.

    I guess then for users with this issue the temporary fix would be to modify the CSS.

    or better yet, add the lines to your theme css and make sure it overrides the one on our files (e.g. use !important)

    I still can not get this to work. Why would the end date picker not allow a year earlier than 2018? I assume it is a jQuery conflict but I can not figure it out.
    I have copied the site to a demo site for debugging,

    I’m experiencing this ‘Dates must have correct formatting. Please use the date picker provided.’ problem with my plugin and my (you guessed it!) Themeforest purchased theme.

    The date picker loads and lets me select dates, but when I submit the event I get the error message above.

    I’ve read Marcus’ blog post and checked in functions.php (and header.php) and all I have mentioning jquery is this in functions.php:

        wp_register_script('modernizr', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/libs/modernizr-2.0.6.min.js');
        wp_register_script('scripts', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/scripts.js');

    If I remove all of this from functions.php the events submission for behaves in exactly the same way.

    Any suggestions on what could be causing this issue if it’s not my functions.php?

    The plugins works with the detault Twenty Twelve theme…

    Plugin Author Marcus (aka @msykes)


    chances are if you just removed this, you’re missing a wp_dequeue_script function somewhere in your functions.php theme.



    hi hi marcus-
    i have read many posts on the datepicker-not-showing issue and i am sure this is what’s going on with my site ( – the events manager works fine with the default theme, but with mine (TheStyle von Elegant Themes), the date picker isn’t showing.. from what i understand a jquery problem..? the only thing that resembles the bit described in your post, i find in the core_functions.php of the theme’s epanel folder: it’s the fist bit here, i think, but when i deleted as suggested by your blog i get an error message from the core_function.php —- SORRY I AM NOT A PROGRAMMER, just an audio engineer ??

    can you help me with this? it would be so nice to have the date picker, and thus the plugin working for me.. I am going crazy booking all the show without a tool right now!

    here the reference from my core_functions.php


    /********* ePanel v.1.95 ************/

    /* Adds jquery script */
    add_action(‘wp_print_scripts’, ‘et_jquery_script’,8);
    function et_jquery_script(){
    if ( function_exists(‘esc_attr’) ) wp_enqueue_script(‘jquery’);
    else {
    wp_register_script(‘jquery’, ‘;, false, ‘1.4.2’);




    p.s. deleting this bit, does not make it work ??



    I tried llb027’s WITH success… the date picker worked.. then i ran into an issue with the events not displaying the photos submitted through the submission form.. then i inserted the photo into a recurrent event, then hit UPDATE on the respective event post..

    the update process took forever for some reason so i closed the window.

    NOW MY ENTIRE SITE GONE! What happened??

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