• Hi,
    my setting for the events page is [No Event Page] and am using template tags to display future and past events in on of the pages. The event list works fine… shows all the events (both future and past) but when i click the event it does not go to its single page rather is 404.

    So i tried with copying the single-event.php file to my theme but no luck and then i tried copying all the templates in my theme inside plugins folder as mentioned in your documentation but again no luck.

    Any help will be great..



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  • I managed to create my own even single page by grabbing the event slug from the end of my permalink and then using the wpdb function to get the corresponding event ID.

    $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
    	$eventSlug=end(explode("/", $url));
    	$eventID = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT event_id FROM wp_em_events WHERE event_slug = '".$eventSlug."'", OBJECT);
    	$EM_Event = new EM_Event($eventID[0]->event_id);

    One thing I am looking to do to finish up this up is to display the event image however I don’t see it being stored in the event object anywhere. Is it possible to get this url using something similar to.

    <?php echo $EM_Event->get_categories()->categories[0]->name; ?>

    Please disregard my last post. I found the image url in the event object.

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