Facebook Change Like button fonction from 3month ago…
You are not the only one to have that probleme, it’s a popular
Bug Comme from FACEBOOK.
I realy don’t know why it can’t work, and i know that is not come
from that plugin. Simply because i use it on at least 20 blogs
without any problèmes… and d-simply because the like buttton is a
iframe, and do not depend from the plugin.
So the error appear when facebook is checking the content of your
you should verify in the header of your page if there isn’t any
redirection http before the page load.
Facebook want only canonical url.
But I am sure, Said by the technical guys on facebook conference,
that if facebook cannot fetch infos from your page and if opengraph can not give more info, then button like will not work.
<b>For the opengraph settings, you have Two way to configure them.</b>
1 With global settings… (that ‘s what i said to you ) MAX 5
minutes for all your type of page
Facebook -> Opengraph, for each type of post page taxonomie,
terms etc….
For each field you just have to set pattern.
exemple for title, you can use %POST_TITLE% the plugin will
replace that by the real title when the page does appear.
2. individually on each post or page or custom post type, you can
redefine glogals settings previously explained.
Nothing it’s easy as you said, nobody can just click and work,
facebook protocol need a little more config than one click…
Sorry for my poor english…