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  • same here….
    activity feed is not running….

    This is not a Plugin issue … the plugins are broken from Facebook side and it might get fixed soon. You don’t need to do anything.

    Even Facebook recommendation box giving the same error.

    today 02.03.2012 i am getting really mad for this issue. all my site ( ) looks dead now.

    this is a serious bugs by facebook plugins. and its damange my site.

    Add an attribute to your plugin as action=like and it will be alright. Since the introduction of timeline FB has made it mandatory to include actions

    You may see the code at any story page on

    It’s been fixed as of 9:40 AM MST.

    While I understand the new “action” requirement, Facebook made a mistake originally forcing people to switch instead of accepting legacy widgets.

    They caught their mistake and now you can leave your widgets as they were. New widgets will have the “action” section but I believe it is still (and was supposed to be) optional.

    Just remember, if anything you have from Facebook breaks (recommend boxes, like buttons, FB logins), and you haven’t touched it… Just let it sit for a few hours and Facebook will finally fix it.

    They have had issues like this multiple times in the past. It’s very frustrating.

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