• Failed posting to xxx Timeline because the access token expired. To reactivate publishing, visit the Facebook settings page and re-enable the “Publish to fan page” setting. Full error: {“message”:”Error validating access token: Session has expired at unix time 1340290800. The current unix time is 1340377379.”,”type”:”OAuthException”}

    I got the same error yesterday and re-enabled the “Publish to fan page” setting. Apparently didn’t work. ??


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  • Same error… Why session is expiring?

    Additionally, the item ‘Publish to fan page’ is being changed to ‘Disabled’. Someone also noted that?

    Plugin Contributor Matthew Hui


    Are you guys logging in/out of your facebook accounts before this error occurs?

    I’m not logging out, and I’m having the same problem.

    After getting the latest update I get still the same error. Checking the fb-login.php I see the line:
    if ( false === ( $test = get_transient( ‘fb_extended_access_token_’ . $facebook->getUser() ) ) ) {

    //the extended token should be good for a couple of months, but lets refresh it every couple of weeks just in case
    set_transient( ‘fb_extended_access_token_’ . $facebook->getUser(), ‘extended’, 60*60*24*7 );

    I changed the 60*60*24*7 to 60*30*24*7.

    The great error is gone now, but the error: Failed posting to your Facebook Timeline. Error: {“message”:”Could not retrieve data from URL.”,”type”:”Exception”}
    is still there. But to the fangage and the timeline it send the message.

    Anyone out there using WPMU? I am suspicious that… This is happening only in sub-sites with different applications of the main site. Confirm?

    It was my case. Now I use the same Facebook application for the main site and the sub-site. And everything is going well. Is this the problem?

    @zazinteractive, I did not log out too.

    Matt, I install 1.03, some of the problems are solved, including the <p> tag… but now I have this, see in the image, is easy to explain


    Till now I still going on this Facebook sharer, after I delete my apps on facebook itself and turn it back on by facebook-plugin it is going great. But there are still errors like this one”

    ERROR: Failed posting to your Facebook Timeline. Error: {“message”:”Could not retrieve data from URL.”,”type”:”Exception”}

    Checking my wall (i always on facebook) there is nothing to see. Going to my page te post is there. Going back to FB I see the post on my wall but NOT on the time line.
    So the last thing is somthing from facebook. They still keep on changing.

    But how to get rid of the ERROR above????

    Ik see that version 1.0.3 is there. Matt where to find this one???

    Hi Federico; I was trying that one to. Same problem. Take it out and went back. Now I got 1.00, 1.0.1 1.02, 1.0.3 All the same.I going to change the time limit. But next problem is coming up.
    He post to my wall (not timeline) and he post some times to my page. But on the page there nothig to see

    this plugin is hopeless.

    Hi there, just adding a “me too” to the list of people with the same issue. Hoping there’s a fix soon, because this plugin has a lot of potential.

    Guy’s I know that this plugin is one of the best. That it is NOT doing what it have to do has 2 things.
    1- Facebook is chanching every time there schripts. So the devolpers got alway’s a hard time to run after the facebook Devolpers.

    2-The Devolpers of this plugin doing every thing to fix the problems, but need information from the facebook Devolpers. If they get it then they can do there job, but in the mean time facebook also is chancing some thing else.

    SO whe have to have pation for the next update.

    Till now (nok nok) its going ok. Except this error:

    Failed posting to your Facebook Timeline. Error: {“message”:”Could not retrieve data from URL.”,”type”:”Exception”}

    I stay inlogged on FB, but still the samen.
    Posting to my FB page is going great (Till now) I use the 1.0.3 version.

    So somewhere is it a bug or a FB problem.

    Oke: Today. Yesterday before I stopped working I deactivated “the facebook plugin 1.0.3”.
    This morning started to work. Reactivated “Facebook” and sending my first news item. It came in the timeline of the newspaper timeline and on my startpage (GOOD) Not on my fan-timeline (BAD) No worry.
    After 25 news items it was still going (GOOD). I am happy. After the 50th item still good.

    But still every item
    {Failed posting to your Facebook Timeline. Error: {“message”:”Could not retrieve data from URL.”,”type”:”Exception”} (BAD)

    No more <p> and </p> (GOOD)

    Missing only the tumbernail or Item-image in the items (BAD)

    So far so good After the 75th Item he whas still going good.

    Matt I am waiting for your comment on this.

    Getting the same problem.

    Using WPML if that has any effect.

    Thanks for the 1.03 update – it gave me a fatal error

    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare fb_load_textdomain() (previously declared in /data04/c4442982/public_html/wp-content/plugins/facebook/facebook.php:26) in /data04/c4442982/public_html/wp-content/plugins/facebook-wordpress-07c75b6/facebook.php on line 27

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