• I have followed the instructions for setting up posting to AUthor Timelines to the letter.

    Finally got it to post to my Facebook Timeline BUT the post appeared as a Timeline Activity and not a Timeline Post. This means I could not DELETE it as suggested by the instructions, my options were to Hide, Stop more activity posts from my App or Remove my app (neither of the last two is what I want, so I hid the activity).

    Is there a difference between the posts appearing as a Timeline Activity or a Timeline Post.

    Also it was not a clean post as this error appeared.


    I have submitted the Open Graph action for approval but want to know if I have an issue or everything is okay? Doesn’t seem like it worked correctly.

    SITE: 233.com.gh


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  • The same is happening with me. It′s suposed the plugin post the content on our timeline and not in the activity log…I dont know why is happening cause I have the plugin installed in other website and it works correctly.

    Same issue here. Though it managed to post directly to timeline on fb page. But, that only worked for a while, then posting to fb page suddenly changed to disabled.

    In your Facebook Activity Log, you’ll likely see that the post has setting “Allowed on Timeline” rather than “Shown on Timeline.” It’s simple enough to change it to “Shown” after the fact, though hopefully there’s a way to make this the default.

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