You may want to do this on the database side every time you add a new category. Use the following pseudocode to get an idea of what to do:
//get all parent term ids used by facetedsearch terms
$query="SELECT DISTINCT tt.parent FROM ".$prefix."_term_taxonomy tt, ".$prefix."_facetedsearch fs WHERE fs.term_id=tt.term_id";
//put all the parent_ids into an array, and loop through each parent id
$parent_array = query_to_array($query);
foreach($parent_array as $parent_id)
//get all facetedsearch terms with the same parent, ordered alphabetically
$query2="SELECT fs.term_id, t.slug FROM ".$prefix."_term_taxonomy tt, ".$prefix."_facetedsearch fs, ".$prefix."_terms t WHERE fs.term_id=tt.term_id AND t.term_id=tt.term_id AND tt.parent_id=".$parent." ORDER BY t.slug";
//put all the terms and slugs into an array
$term_array = query_to_array($query);
$index = 0;
//assign the new order number to each term
foreach($term_array as $key->$term)
$term_array[$key]['order'] = $index;
//do an update query to assign all these new order numbers to their entries in the facetedsearch table
$query = "UPDATE ALL THESE THINGS HERE(".$term_array;
please remember the above is pseudocode and is designed only to get you started. If you figure it out, please consider sharing your code, and maybe I’ll incorporate it into the plugin.